Monday, December 29, 2008


I'm taking a brief hiatus to settle down after Christmas and to gear up for the New Year. See you shortly in 2009!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Holiday Build Up or Let Down?

Did you have a wonderful Christmas or were you disappointed at the outcome? Were you expecting something fantastic only to receive something mediocre? With all the commercial hype and the push for the best holiday gifts, our expectations are often too big and too unrealistic.

We get so bombarded in our materialistic world that it's hard not to be pulled into believing we need some of this stuff and some of that. We take sly glances at the tree wondering if a gift with our name on it was missed. There has been at least one time when we've opened a package only to fleetingly think, "How could they think of giving me this?"

We will always be disappointed by things, either at the receipt of a gift or as the excitement of it declines. God designed us so that we will never be satisfied with the temporal because we are made for the eternal. Only one true gift will ever satisfy us: the gift of eternal life that Jesus gave us when He died on the cross and rose from the dead to free us from the bondage of sin.

Don't let the empty boxes and unfulfilled wishes get you down. Open God's special gift for you.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Looking to Change

We all have areas in our lives that we need to work on. Whether it’s a temper or our temperament, our shyness or our impatience, we know we need to purge or perfect certain personality traits. The problem comes with our inability to change. Old habits die hard, so trying to change long held behavior patterns gets tiring and discouraging.

There is a solution, however. God can help us. If we submit ourselves to Him, asking Him to transform us and mold us into the person He wants us to be, He will help us. It still can get discouraging because any change in personality is tough; but we can constantly draw on Him for strength, encouragement, and renewal until the transformation becomes complete.

Looking to change something in your life? Ask the Lord for help.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Baking Day

Every year for the last five years or so, my friend’s kids have come over before Christmas to make Christmas Cookies with my kids. Because of some unexpected circumstances, they weren’t able to come on our scheduled date two weeks ago, but they are coming today. Both sets of kids (seven all together) are very excited.

I don’t think it’s the cookie making that excites them the most. It’s more the participation, the cooperation, and the association with one another. Tradition is very strong here. These kids have known each other since they were very little, so there are deep bonds of friendship, even if they don’t get to see each other as often as they’d like.

When the plans were cancelled a few weeks back I was a bit disappointed. Even though I get the “fun” part of making the dough, setting up the work area, and then cleaning everything up, I enjoy their enthusiasm and camaraderie. We play Christmas music, the house is filled with the wonderful smells of baked cookies, and there is much laughter and creativity.

I hope to continue this tradition as long as they are interested and as long as we are able. It adds to the joy of the Christmas season, especially since friendships are a gift from God.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Quick Learner

Are you a quick learner? That was definitely an attribute I often placed on resumes when I wanted potential employers to know that I was willing and able to undertake new projects. I wanted to make myself more marketable.

However, it isn't always easy to be a quick learner when it comes to spiritual matters. Since we aren't perfect, there are many character flaws that God wants to correct. If we catch on quickly, we can surrender ourselves to God's direction so the changing process can begin. But more often than not, we either don't want to identify our problem or we stubbornly resist any change.

God is less concerned about our comforts than He is about our character. If there is something we need to work on in our lives, He will definitely let us know. The more we resist the more God seems to persist in getting our attention.

Take my word for it: if you see a change is necessary, submit yourself to God for correction and direction. I still feel the scars of my stubborn and resistant behavior; scars that would have been non-existant if I had listened to the Lord's calling and warnings.

It's much easier if we let God help us. He loves us and wants what's best for us.
Ask God to help you be a quick learner.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Little Rain

There is something comforting about the sound of falling rain. Perhaps it’s because it reminds me of warm blankets, freshly baked cookies, a cup of hot tea, and a good book. I especially like the idea of a good book. Of course, yesterday while it rained outside, I had the cookies baking, but I never quite got to the other comforts.

The closest I got was sitting in my cold car with the rain drizzling down as I waited for my son to get out of school. My toes were wet and cold, but the soft sounds cascading on the car roof brought a smile to my face. Falling rain is also nice to sleep to, especially when you are snuggled nice and warm in bed.

The weather is supposed to change today with sunny skies. There is another chance of rain next week before Christmas. I will look forward to the next rain since the kids will be home from school. Maybe I can get them to like listening to the rain, too.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

"For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Toes Knows

It's been rainy and cold here. I don't have rain boots any more (they aren't always needed where I live), so any trips out and about have led to wet tennis shoes and very cold toes.

Even my kids have had to deal with damp shoes. I made them all change their socks the moment they came home from school. There is just something about cold feet, especially the toes, that makes one's body cold all over.

When I was little I remember grownups having clear rubber boots that could be strapped over your shoes for rainy days. They were great because you could still wear your regular shoes and your feet stayed nice and dry.

The weather forecast calls for a few more days of rain. Good thing I have plenty of warm socks to change into!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Crunch is On!

Time is running out...for sending out Christmas gifts in the mail. I'm making a few gifts this year, so I really feel the crunch. I want to make sure I get everything done so my gifts will arrive on time. All I can do is take care of things step by step. I'm really trying hard to avoid getting too stressed, though, because I want to enjoy the real reason for the season.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Surprise Endings

Funerals are not fun. It is hard to deal with loss and the emotions that come out as we realize a person will no longer be around in this world. It’s tougher when a person doesn’t know the Lord.

My husband and I were expecting such a funeral when we attended one for a relative the other day. But it turns out that because of a variety of circumstances in this man’s life, the relative came to realize that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. The tone of the funeral was sad, but joyful, as person after person came up to testify of his commitment to Christ and how he is now in heaven.

The Bible tells us that God is not willing that any should perish. He wants people to come to Him and accept His free gift of salvation. He will even cause events to happen in a person’s life to get their attention. Too bad many people don’t reach out to Jesus as He’s reaching out to them. They want their own freedom; to follow after their own desires, not realizing that they are only placing themselves in bondage to sin. True freedom comes only when we surrender ourselves to God and His will for us.

I’m glad we found a surprise ending at the funeral. It confirms that God works behind the scenes even when we have no idea He’s doing so.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Routine Changes

For the next week I have to change my daily routine because my husband’s work schedule has changed. It’s nice and difficult at the same time. It’s nice because I get him for a few extra hours without the kids, but it is difficult because my normal writing schedule has to be put on hold so I can give him adequate attention.

We can either stress out and complain about the alterations that come our way, or we can try to have a positive attitude about them. I liked my husband going to the library with me when I needed some research materials. It was comforting having him next to me at the kids’ awards ceremony. It was great going out for lunch, too. Although I have few deadlines coming up, I know these free times with my husband are rare and I want to enjoy them while I can.

Don’t let changes to your daily routine spoil your day. Make the best of them. You might even have some fun. I know I am!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My elementary school children all received awards the other day for several semester achievements. We had honors roll, perfect attendance, and achievement awards to name a few. It was fun to watch them and many of their fellow classmates receive these unexpected honors, and then to see their smiles as their peers and family members gave them a sound round of applause.

I think it’s great that the school takes the time to recognize hard work, dedication, and academic successes. A few years back only about five awards were given for each class. This year they recognized all the students who made improvements, did well on the state testing, had good attendance, and/or had the equivalent of an A or B average. The principal also stated that although not every child would get an award this time, there will always be another chance in the future.

As a writer I don’t always get immediate feedback for my work. I write because this is what the Lord directed me to do, and I must write whether I get open recognition or not. But I love it when the Lord allows someone out of the blue to come up and say, “I read your article the other day and it really touched me.”

It’s nice when people acknowledge our efforts. Whether it’s at school or work, a person feels good when they get a clap on the back or a thumbs up for a job well done. Sometimes, however, we won’t receive any recognitions. I don’t think we should always expect them. We don’t want to get big-headed. It’s too hard to walk through doors that way.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Word About Christmas Shopping

I like hearing Christmas music in the stores. In fact it seems that more retailers are playing seasonal tunes this year. Even the restaurant my family visited on Sunday was streaming festive music while we dined.

Most of those shopping in the malls are buying presents for Christmas. They are going to wrap these gifts and place them under some type of Christmas tree. Most are not shopping for Hanukkah. Most are not buying for Kwanza. Even Santa says, “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!”

Why can’t more stores acknowledge that we want to recognize Christmas? Certain retailers are refusing to say Christmas. The closest they will get is saying “Holiday Gifts.” They have every right to advertise this way, but I also have the right to shop where I please. I prefer companies that want my business to the point that they will openly recognize and acknowledge what is important to me. They don’t have to believe in Jesus. I don’t expect them to go to church. But at least get my interest to do my Christmas shopping by admitting that they want my Christmas business.

One catalog I received solved the problem in my eyes. They sold cookies that let you choose “Christmas” or “Holiday” on the tins. At least they are giving people a choice. I plan to give them some business this year.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Winter Weather

The weather is beginning to cool down. Yesterday the temps were in the 60’s with today’s high topping out at 60 degrees. This is warm by the standards of many cities to the east of California, but for us here in Southern California, this is cold.

There is something about the colder weather. You can pile on blankets and get all snuggly in the covers. You can bake all day and not overheat the house. You can pull out the warm sweaters and jackets and be thankful when they don’t smell too musty.

I don’t think I could deal with constant snow as some friends and family have to deal with. I like the snow, but driving in it, shoveling it, and seeing no grass for a few months would not be easy getting used to. The relatives can send me all the winter pictures they want.

Hopefully the temps will remain cool until Christmas. It’s tough singing Christmas carols when it’s 80 plus degrees outside.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Flip Flops

"Flip! Flop! Flip!"

Those were the sounds my shoes were making last night as I was walking in the parking lot of my church to help out with a church function. I wasn't wearing my sandals, though. I was wearing my black flats that were a bit too big.

Normally I wear a half-size smaller, but when I tried on the "correct" size at the store, my toes got pinched. I figured I would be more comfortable with the next size up. Sure I was comfortable...when I was standing still. But when I had to walk, I got, "Flip! Flop! Flip!"

I often buy pads for the back of my dress shoes so my heels don't slip out, but I was in such a hurry to get out the door that night that I failed to put them in. I wonder how silly I looked as I walked. A few ladies I knew were walking right behind me as I made my way to a side entrance. I had to almost walk with a kind of a limping shuffle so the shoes wouldn't fall off as I moved forward. Thankfully I was able to remove my shoes once I got to the area I was working in since only two other ladies were around to see me.

Unlike flip floppy shoes, Jesus's love is a perfect fit. It will completely cover our hearts when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us.

Does your life go "Flip! Flop! Flip!"? Are you stumbling when you walk? Ask Jesus to be the perfect fit you need.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cellular Division

Everyone seems to be enamored with their cell phones. I constantly see people jabbering away anywhere (including in the bathroom stalls!!), or see their fingers flying as they text. I think this is all a bit much.

Don’t get me wrong. I love technical gadgets. But I have to draw the line at talking while on the toilet. How do explain the flush?

I also don’t text. I prefer direct conversation along with polite manners. One woman insisted on keeping her phone conversation at the bank the other week while in front of the teller. I felt sorry for the teller who was being totally ignored while trying to complete the woman’s business.

Every once in awhile I want some quiet. I don’t want to be talking every single second, and I don’t think I’d like having to constantly type my responses (I e-mail too much as it is).

So for all you cell phone fans who take their phones everywhere, have fun. In the meantime, don’t call me when I’m in the restroom. My voicemail will be the only thing that will answer.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

"God be merciful to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us,
That Your way may be known earth,
Your salvation among all nations."
Psalm 67:1-2

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Following the Leader

Do kids play Follow the Leader anymore? I haven’t seen this game in a long while. It used to be fun following along, doing exactly what the person in front was doing. Of course I think it was more fun to lead since everyone would have to follow me.

Maybe that’s the problem with modern society. There are too many people who want to lead and not so many who want to follow. It’s kind of like the too-many-chefs-spoil-the-broth analogy. Too many leaders cause dysfunction and chaos since there’s no one around to get the work done.

As Christians we need to be followers of Christ. He is our Leader; our Savior. We do well when we follow Him exactly, showing love and kindness and mercy. We get into trouble when we refuse to copy His ways. We stumble (literally and figuratively), make bad decisions, and distance ourselves from the One True God when we put ourselves in the front.

Are you trying to be the Leader in your life? Step aside, step back, and let God take the lead.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hype of the Holidays

My kids wanted to try their hand at the day-after-Thanksgiving sales, so we got up early this past Friday morning and headed to the stores. Even though the first store we went to had been open an hour and a half, the place was crazy: long lines, rude shoppers, aisle stuffed with too many sales items, and lots of disorganization. After about twenty minutes, we gave up and left. The chaos was not worth it.

We then went to another store that was busy, but not as hectic. We actually could walk comfortably through most aisles (except in electronics), and people seemed more friendly and helpful. But even then we didn’t stay longer than thirty minutes, and only one item we bought was a major sale item.

When we first headed out that morning, my oldest son commented that he wanted to get up early and shop every day after Thanksgiving from now on. His statement changed a few hours later when he realized that the potential prizes weren’t worth the effort. At least next year I can sleep in a bit.

We often don’t realize that much of the glitz and glamour we are shown will only lead to disappointment because it is an illusion. In reality we don’t need most of the things we have. I wonder how much we would actually buy if it weren’t for the flashy sale signs, the carefully scripted commercials, and the multimillion dollar advertising campaigns.

What is of value to you? Make sure you aren’t caught up in the hype of the holidays.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD,

for He is good!

For His mercy endures forever."

Psalm 118:1

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Note of Thanks: Part III

On this third day of thanks, I want to thank the Lord for my friends. Have you ever stopped to consider that God brought your friends to you? I don’t think I seriously thought about this until I became a Christian and I started developing friendships with other godly women. There is such a unique bonding that goes beyond words.

The other day one of my friends gave me a very warm hug and thanked me for my friendship. This was very special to me since just four years ago I almost lost her as a friend because of something really dumb I did. God chose to rebuke me, change my heart, and now my friend and I are the best of friends. This could only have happened because of God’s love and intervention.

So I am thankful to God for the friends He has given me; for knowing those who would stand by me, counsel me, encourage me, and love me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Note of Thanks: Part II

On this second day of thanks, I want to thank the Lord for my family. Nothing is by accident with God. He handpicked our parents and relatives. He knew who our spouse would be and how many children we would have. Although sometimes we are tempted to question His choices, there is a distinct reason why these people are in our lives, and we need to love them, cherish them, and care for them because God gave them to us. I love my family, and I am thankful for all they have done in my life to help me turn into the person I am today.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Note of Thanks: Part I

Doesn’t it seem that we are rushed this Thanksgiving? The stores want to squish this very precious holiday between a bagful of Halloween candy and Season Greeting gift wrap. Thanksgiving, after all, isn’t as commercially successful as selling costumes or assorted socks and slippers in all shapes and sizes.

But I want to put the brakes on. I want to say, “Hey! Let’s be thankful!” So I’m devoting the next few days to say how thankful I am for the blessings God has given me.

All my thanks, of course, flows from the love of God. It is He who has given me everything that I’m thankful for. It is because of God’s unfathomable love that He sent His Son Jesus down to earth to die so that we can experience God’s love, forgiveness, and redemption. Isn’t that amazing?! Even if you were the only one on this planet, Jesus would have come down to die for you. I can’t understand how people fail to be thankful for that!

I am thankful that God is longsuffering; that He wooed my heart day after day, year after year, until I was ready to accept Him into my life as Lord and Savior. And I continue to be thankful that He is longsuffering with my development as a Christian, since I constantly make mistakes and need lots of grace and mercy.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Home for the Holidays

My kids are off from school starting today for Thanksgiving vacation. We will visit a local theme park, go to a couple of orthodontist appointments, and try our hand at some early Christmas shopping. We don’t have a huge amount of plans (besides, of course, Thanksgiving Day). It just will be nice taking a break from the normal daily routines.

I will try to get some writing done, but I’m not putting any pressure on myself for the next week. I want to be able to enjoy my kids’ time off, too. But I will keep thinking of ideas for a few deadlines I have in the weeks ahead. Jotting down notes is a lot easier and less time consuming than actually composing articles.

If you have young kids still at home, try to make good use of your holiday time with them. They grow up so fast. Treasure the moments and be thankful when they are home for the holidays.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dealing With Doubt

Do you doubt? Do you worry? Many people have this misconception that Christians shouldn’t have any misgivings or struggles. We are supposed to always be happy and joyful and goody-two-shoes.

Yet when we read our Bibles we see that even the giants of Scripture, Daniel, Moses, Joshua, and David, struggled with doubts in their hearts. Where is God in all this? Am I really called to be here? How can I handle this multitude? When is it time for God’s promises to be fulfilled?

Christians are human. We doubt; but we aren’t supposed to stay in that state. We are to look for the One who gives us hope and cling to His promises. We are to hold out our hand, knowing God will lift us up in His timing.

Psalm 94:19 speaks volumes to my heart: “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” Loosely translated it means in the numerous disquieting thoughts I have, God’s mercy smoothes my soul.

Do doubts fill your mind? Seek God’s comfort and consolations. Read about the struggles the Bible heroes went through. Then find hope as He smoothes your soul.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

"So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives,
and humbly accept the message
God has planted in your hearts,
for it is strong enough to save your souls."
James 1:21 NLT

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Close Calls

With all the fires here in Southern California the last few days, stories have begun to emerge of close calls: people having minutes to evacuate; houses saved when there had been walls of flames all around; family keepsakes surviving the infernos. Can you name some close calls in your life? I know I can name several from mine.

But I often wonder just how many close calls I’m not even aware of; times of protections that I may never know about. I’m sure there are lots of those. As a believer I know God is watching over me. The Bible even mentions that “…The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them (Psalm 34:7).”

With God our life is filtered. Nothing can reach us unless the Lord allows it. Does this mean I am protected from every little thing? No, but what does affect me has been allowed for a reason and I need to trust God’s sovereignty in allowing things to happen.

Had any close calls lately? I hope you are thanking God for His protection.

Monday, November 17, 2008


It was Election Day and I was waiting for my son to get out of school. My habit was to go early to get a good parking space to avoid the crazy traffic jams that appear right at the ringing of the dismissal bell. Since the school was being used as a polling place that day, I knew the parking would be horrendous, so when I saw the spot at the loading zone open, I pulled right in.

Lots of parents park in this area to wait for their child. Even with a sign that says, “Loading Zone. No Parking,” no one has ever said anything, including the campus policeman. So I was rather surprised when a new officer pulled up, lights flashing, and stepped up to my window and told me to not go anywhere because I was going to receive a ticket. I started to state my case, but then I realized I had no excuses. I was caught red-handed. I was guilty, especially since I was parked right in front of the sign.

To make a long story short, I didn’t end up getting a ticket. A set of circumstances gave me a bit of mercy, but I did receive a very strict warning. I will definitely not park there again.

This incident reminds me of God’s laws. How often do we disobey His word because we haven’t gotten caught? Do we lie to get out of a situation? Are we in a compromising situation with someone? Are we taking home company merchandise even though it doesn’t belong to us? Are we cheating on our taxes? Since we haven’t gotten caught, we think it’s okay to continue in these actions. Because we tend to follow the world’s trends, we think God’s laws aren’t relevant for today. But we need to realize that God doesn’t change. What He has called wrong in the past is still wrong today. Our sins are still against God’s law. We are guilty. God sees everything. We are caught red-handed.

Thankfully, God wants to grant us forgiveness. He wants to restore us to a proper relationship with Him since our sins create a rift between us. But first we have to acknowledge our sins, say we are sorry, and then ask God to forgive us. Sometimes it’s hard to admit we are wrong. However, if we don’t, we will definitely suffer consequences for our actions.

Are you guilty? God wants restoration. He wants to forgive. Go to Him. He will grant forgiveness to all who ask.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Expect the Unexpected

Life is full of surprises. Sometimes you’re traveling along and then, without warning, the rug gets pulled out from under you. You can do several things when this happens. You can feel sorry for yourself. You can blame everyone else, including God, for the problem. Or, you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. I prefer to do the latter.

I’ve learned that it doesn’t help to feel sorry for yourself. All you get is lazy and bitter and depressed. And sometimes the circumstances aren’t the fault of anyone. Life just happens. Trying to find someone to blame doesn’t help your situation, although some may argue that it makes them feel better. I think blaming others is a waste of energy and a cop out.

This is why it’s better to get up and get going. Instead of dwelling on yesterday, try thinking about the tomorrow and the day after that. Set goals to overcome the current circumstances, even if it will take time to do so. And finally, don’t forget to pray. God is not outside the box. He’s right there beside you and He is ready and willing to give you strength, courage, and peace.

In life you can expect the unexpected. Just don’t let it keep you from moving on with your life.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Out With the Old

It seems that I can’t even give away my good, used stuff. Our garage sale over the weekend left us with several boxes of items. I figured if we couldn’t sell them, the local thrift store would take them. But when we went to take the boxes to the drop off site, only four of the ten boxes were accepted. They would not take toys or books. Now we have to call another thrift store to see if they would be interested in our donations.

I really want to get rid of this stuff because we really could use the room. The items are too good to just toss out, especially the boxes of books, but I can’t keep these things anymore. There is just too much clutter. I want to be able to walk around my living room without bumping into a box here, a carton there.

Some people like to keep everything, especially if it is a collectible. I used to think that way, but then I came to the conclusion that, 1) the value of something is in the eye of the possessor, 2) you’ll rarely get back the full worth of an item, and 3) it really isn’t all that important in the scheme of life to accumulate too much because we can’t take it with us when we die.

What are you holding on to that you really should be getting rid of? Maybe it’s time for you to get out with the old, too.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Strengthening Those Muscles

We just discovered that my youngest daughter has strasbic amblyopia, a condition where one of her eyes strays a bit to the side instead of focusing like it should. The treatment at this point will be to wear a patch on her good eye for several hours a day, forcing the muscles in her poor eye to strengthen. After that vision therapy is recommended.

Since we have annual checkups, the optometrist was able to compare the differences in vision from last year until now. Because my daughter is young, there is a good chance for improvement. All we need to do is be diligent and follow the recommended exercise routine to strengthen the eye muscles.

Sometimes our focus is off in our walk with the Lord. Our eyes start to stray, keeping us from seeing things spiritually like we should. We wander off the narrow path and merge onto the wider way that Jesus warned us about. On our own we try to refocus, but our muscles have become weak, and our efforts seem futile.

Thankfully, the Lord can help strengthen our spiritual muscles. By giving ourselves completely to Him, we can trust Him to exercise our faith so our relationship with Him becomes stronger and more sharply focused.

Feeling weak in your walk? Let God give you an exercise plan to get those spiritual muscles back in working order.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I had a glass of ice tea with my dinner the other day. It was very refreshing and tasty. When I got about 2/3rds down, I decided to refill my glass. Something distracted me at the time, and I found myself adding milk instead of tea. The result was a cloudy mess that I refused to swallow because my pure glass of tea had become tainted.

Sometimes we forget how much sin can cloud our lives. Little things, like lies, gossip, and grumblings, can cause separation from God just as easily as adultery, theft, and murder. One drop of poison is just as bad as ten drops; so one small sin is as harmful to our relationship with God as several serious sins.

Thankfully, Jesus’ death on the cross covers all sins. He can take our cloudy lives and remove the toxins that keep us out of fellowship with Him. All He requires is that we accept Him as Lord of our life and Savior of our souls.

Looking for clarity? Ask Jesus to make your heart crystal clear.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Soldiers for the Lord

Today the country is observing Veterans’ Day in honor of those who have served this country to protect our liberties and freedoms. Without the valiant and willful sacrifices of these faithful soldiers, America would be a far different place. They deserve much respect and praise.

But today I would like you to consider some other soldiers who are just as worthy of our honor and respect: the Soldiers for the Lord. These are faithful Christians who have been obedient to their true Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, and have willingly followed God’s lead to love others, to intercede on their behalf, and to defend the Gospel.

Being a Soldier for the Lord is not easy. The duties consist of interacting in enemy territory, sharing a message of hope that isn’t always welcome. It requires long hours of prayer and fasting to intercede for the lost, and it requires a selfless duty to serve others who too often aren’t thankful at all.

We are to be these Soldiers. As believers in the One True God, we need to put on our full armor, as described in Ephesians 6, and moved forward according to the Lord’s directions. We need to trust God for strength, supplies, and sustenance. We need to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow the Lord without complaint and in full obedience, receiving little reward until our service here on earth is completed.

Have you signed up for the Lord’s army? It is an honor to serve the Lord. Come join the ranks and become a true Soldier for the Lord.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Boxes Galore

My living room is full of boxes. One would think I'm packing up to move, but actually my family is preparing for a garage sale.

It's amazing how much stuff we have. At one time I thought most of these things were essential, but since they've been packed away in storage for a few years, I've come to the conclusion that I don't need the majority of these items. So I'm sorting through the boxes, pulling out a few important things like extra sheets, hand towels, and baking dishes. I will be selling everything else.

Our lives sometimes carry excessive baggage. Just like all our extra stuff, we accumulate habits, attitudes, and ideas that we really don't need. Every once in awhile we need to sift and sort through everything, keeping only the necessities. The best way to do this is to ask the Lord for help. He is the best purger in the business. He can show us exactly what we need to get rid of and what we need to keep for future use.

Looking to get rid of a few things you've been keeping in storage? Let the Lord help you clean house.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Recognizing Sovereignty

Were you happy or disappointed with the Presidential Election on Tuesday? No matter how we may feel, we now have to accept that a new president is forthcoming, with changes to be expected.

We must, however, remember that God placed this man into this position; therefore, we must respect him because of the office that he will shortly hold. Romans 13:1 says, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”

We must recognize that if God reigns supreme in our lives, then we have to accept His sovereign will. He can see the past, present, and future since He exists beyond time. He knows exactly what will happen in the coming days, months, and years. It’s hard for us because we aren’t omniscient like the Lord. We just have to trust Him, day by day.

Make sure you’ve made God the Lord of your life. Accept His sovereignty, and trust completely in Him, no matter what changes the world brings.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

"I would have lost heart,
unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness
of the Lord
In the land of the living.
Wait on the LORD;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!"
Psalm 27:13-14

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back-Seat Driving

If you’ve ever driven anyone anywhere, you know there is always a chance of getting critiqued by back-seat drivers. “Turn here. You’re going too fast. Maybe you should have let me drive. You’re too close to that car.” It’s frustrating driving this way because it’s easy to lose your concentration, sometimes causing you to make even more mistakes.

I wonder if God considers us back-seat drivers. Instead of letting Him drive, we want to grab the keys and head out in any direction we please. Sometimes we want to turn right when God knows it’s best to turn left. Sometimes we want to step on the gas pedal to follow our own green light, when actually God has a red light showing and wants us to keep our foot on the brake.

His gentle prods to follow His guidance can be misinterpreted as bothersome instead of loving. If only we’d relinquish the steering wheel and sit in the back where we belong, we’d be so much better off. He would head us in the right direction with no fear of getting lost since He never loses his concentration.

Are you trying to drive yourself when you know that God should be doing the driving? Sit back, relax, and let God take charge. You’ll always get much better mileage with Him.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Beware the Infomercial

Having come from a background in film, I view audio-visuals with a different light than the average viewer. I am quick to note errors in composition and continuity. I notice how many different camera shots were used within a scene. I can detect whether someone is singing live or lip singing; and I can tell if a reality show has in fact been staged.

Media is a powerful tool that can persuade the masses, making myths seem like facts and facts seem like myths. I place Infomercials in this persuasive category. The whole presentation is to get you to buy their product. Everything is orchestrated. Have you noticed that not one single person dislikes the merchandise? Infomercials are extremely expensive, so you don’t want any negative comments if you are paying that amount of money.

Since anything visual can be made to look good, or can be edited to say basically anything you want it to say, I am very skeptical of infomercials. My kids, on the other hand, can easily be persuaded to buy into the hype. Sure, it may be a good product, but I’d want to do a bit more independent research before I agree to buy into it.

Hitler took great advantage of selling himself to the public through the manipulation of media. His cinematographer, Leni Riefenstahl, was a master of creating beautiful films that made Hitler look like a man committed to the salvation of Germany.

So I say beware the infomercial. Depending on what it is trying to sell, you can easily be fooled into believing something completely opposite from the truth.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Deception Calls

I keep getting phone calls with recorded messages that tell me this is my last chance to adjust my credit card balances with low interest rates. The funny thing is, I have no credit card balances. My husband and I don’t use our credit cards. These calls are deceptive ways to trick the consumer to buy into someone else’s program so that the new program can receive the interest payments.

I have also received calls telling me my car warranty is about to expire, so I need to call back right away if I want to extend my warranty. Here again, another deception since we don’t have warranties on our cars. I am amazed at how people will try to bend over backwards to trick and deceive in order to get the business.

It’s hard to know what’s true anymore. You can’t believe everything you hear or see or read. Unless you really scrutinize things, you can get yourself into big trouble. Just look at the mortgage messes that have arisen these past few months.

Thankfully, the Bible, is truth. It can be scrutinized and checked out and it will always pass the test. And this is so because it is the inspired Word of God. Because of the trustworthiness of the Bible, I have reliable promises that I can stand on. There are no tricks or deceptive ads or false reports. You get a loving God reaching out to a fallen world offering Himself as a sacrifice for those He created.

Looking to hang up on the deception? Trust God’s Word and you will find truth.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

"When the righteous are in authority,
the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules,
the people groan."
Proverbs 29:2

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pesky Flies

I spent a good portion of my morning yesterday chasing flies. They seemed to come out of nowhere, and the moment I’d get rid of one, another seemed to take its place.

It’s a mystery how they entered the house. The back screen door was in place. The flies could have squeezed through a crack in the door, but the area looked too skinny for any to fit through. All I know is that they were a nuisance and they wasted a lot of my time and energy as I worked hard to get rid of them.

Sin can be pesky like flies. We try to shoo it away, even chase it out of our lives, but then all of a sudden we are confronted with it again and again. Unlike flies that we can capture and permanently get rid of, sin cannot be exterminated through our own labors. Only God can permanently remove the offenses that seem to inundate us. Only He can make us pest free.

But in order for Him to eliminate our sins, we must relinquish them to Him. We must be willing to admit our transgressions, ask for forgiveness, and then submit to His will so we can be remolded and reshaped into the person He has planned for us to be.

Are you letting pesky sins expend your time and energy? Ask the true Exterminator for help. He is the only eradicator you’ll ever need, guaranteed.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


A few days ago someone stepped onto our property during the night and stole two signs we had that supported a particular proposition for the upcoming election. Our vandal wanted to remove our influence in the neighborhood; but it only spurred us to speak out more. We have another sign out again, with the foresight now to pull it in each night.

How interesting that the opposition feels they must resort to crime to silence us. Don’t they believe in our democratic process? Perhaps they are afraid they will lose and want to do whatever it takes to keep us quiet.

We must remember our vote is our voice. Through our political process here in America the average citizen can speak out to defend the rights and beliefs he/she holds dear. As Christians we have a duty and a responsibility to stand up for the principles we are to live by. It’s too bad that more Christians don’t share this view. I think our country would be in a far better state if we voted our values and stood for what was important to God.

Stealing signs may slow down a message, but it won’t squelch it. Stand up and speak out, while we are still free to do so.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Right Standard

Let’s face it. No matter what we do, we aren’t going to please everyone. There will always be differing opinions and alternate points of view. Election time is a perfect example of this. The person you feel is the best qualified can be the worst choice for someone else.

The problem is we can’t all be right, especially in moralistic views of life. That is why there must be a standard to follow; something concrete that will not sway with an ever changing society. For all people, whether we like it or not, that standard is God’s Word. He will hold us accountable for the message within the Bible that declares that the only way to Heaven is through His Son, Jesus.

Some call this narrow minded. Yes, it is, but it is not human standards that declare it; it is God who says it. You want to argue about it, talk to Him. His Word states in Jeremiah 29:13, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” If you truly want to complain or grumble, take it to God and speak to Him openly and honestly. He will make Himself real to you.

But why, you may ask, do we need to follow God’s standards? Why can’t we do whatever we want? Because life was never meant to revolve around us; it was to revolve around God. He is Lord, He is King, and He is Holy. His standards show His great love for us because when we follow His ways, we benefit. He gives us hope, He gives us life, and He gives us eternity when we trust in Jesus.

We have choices in this world to choose whatever principles we feel is best for us. But only one standard, God’s standard, gives us true hope for tomorrow.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Nudge for November

Do you plan to vote this November? Do you think it matters? Every vote counts, especially in a representative government like we have. WE have a say; and WE have a responsibility to speak for the future of our children. Will they have the freedoms we share now, or will it slowly be stripped away because people refused or neglected to vote when they had the chance?

Does one vote matter? Absolutely! There have been several examples in our nation’s history where one vote determined the outcome of federal elections. The winners owed their victory to one person who chose not to sit by the sidelines, but to participate in the civic process of choosing his representatives.

As a Christian our vote counts even more because we are responsible for speaking up for righteousness. When we choose leaders that will protect our family and freedoms, or when we vote on propositions that uphold life and liberty, we are taking a stand for Godly values and principles. If a Christian will not speak up and speak out for what is right and true, then who truly will?

Your vote can make a difference, but you have to get out and vote!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Simpler Living

With the uncertainty of our economy, family budgets are tighter than ever. The realization that you can’t spend as wild as you once did looms ever in the forefront of the mind. Certain desirable items are now moved into the luxury category. Eating out is not so common any more. That new outfit may have to wait another paycheck or two.

In many ways we have been spoiled here in the United States. Instant gratification has made us spenders instead of savers and eager beavers instead of cautious consumers. Often we buy beyond our means, confident that we will have the money later on to pay for it. But is this wise? Too many people live paycheck to paycheck. That credit card debt won’t get paid if we get laid off or lose our jobs because of lack of work.

Credit isn’t bad, but too many people fall victim to its enticements, creating an insurmountable debt because of a lack of self-control. We need to look at our needs, not our wants. The wants seem to get us into trouble.

We need to live simpler lives. I’m not saying to go back to the days when you sewed your own clothes and carded your own wool. I’m talking about realizing we can’t (and shouldn’t) have it all. We need to be content with what we have, and we need to pray about the things we need, asking God to allow those things into our lives that will be for our benefit.

I sometimes pray Proverbs 30:7-9, “Two things I request of You (Deprive me not before I die): Remove falsehood and lies far from me; Give me neither poverty nor riches – Feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You, and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God.”

Putting ourselves into God’s hands, especially with our finances, is the wisest thing we can do. He is the best Financial Advisor, Comforter, Provider, Investor, Counselor, and Friend you will ever find. Why don’t you try living His way for a change? You may be surprised at what He can do for you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
And whose hope is the LORD.
For he shall be like a tree
planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots
by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in
the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Only Hope We Have

The other day I was reading an article about a woman who was in tears when she met one of the Presidential candidates. She even got two hugs from him. In an interview later on, she told the reporter, “He’s the only hope we have!”

How sad! I feel very sorry for this woman who thinks that the only hope she has is in this one man who has yet to fulfill his promises and has never been fully tested. I’d rather put my hope in the Lord.

God is faithful. Unlike what many would have you believe, the Lord hasn’t left the scene despite our tough economic situations. And even if events get worse, He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. God always keeps His word.

Some may ask then, “Why did God allow this economic upheaval to happen?”

Have you ever thought it might be to test our hearts? It was man’s greed that led to the making of bad loans and to the accepting of debt that was beyond people’s means. God didn’t cause the crisis, but just like with any sin, there are consequences to pay. Unfortunately, those consequences are affecting many throughout the world.

So, where is your hope? Is it in man, money, or the Most High? Only One is our true hope. What will you choose?

Monday, October 20, 2008

That's the Ticket

We took our son to a video game center for his birthday. He, his siblings, and a friend each got a card worth a certain number of tokens. With those cards they could play all sorts of games, including interactive video games. They all, however, primarily chose the games that gave out tickets that could be redeemed for prizes.

My sons decided to join forces to gather as many tickets as possible. They worked hard to play certain games that paid the most. When it came time to redeem the tickets, they kept pulling out bunches upon bunches from their pockets. They ended up having over 2,500 tickets!

Of course, the prizes they really wanted cost far more than they had, but they still were able to pick up a few items they liked. The boys decided to keep the rest on account to be used at another time.

Most kids don’t realize how much is spent to earn those little prizes they get at the end of their playing. They just have a blast running from one game to the next, building up their points to get something fun. The parents, though, know that those toys and trinkets have cost them far more than their actual worth.

We have a ticket waiting for us that is priceless. Its cost was far more than most people realize, and the amazing thing is that it didn’t cost us one cent. The ticket was the sacrifice paid by a loving God when He came down to earth in the form of a human to die on a cross so that our sins could be forgiven. Only when we accept this ticket (Jesus) can we get a one way pass to Heaven. No ticket, no entry.

Is your ticket of value, or is it only worth a few trinkets? Ask Jesus into your heart and your Heavenly pass is secured for your future.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Attendance Counts

The schools in our district are trying to encourage perfect attendance. Huge signs with the words “Attendance Counts!” are displayed, prizes are awarded, and students are recognized in order to stress the importance of making it to school every day.

Uninterrupted teaching is the primary reason. A child has a tough time learning if there are multiple absences. Consistency and repetition help encourage the student to achieve success.

How is your attendance when it comes to spending time with God? Are you noticeably absent? Do you only open your Bible to seek out some forgotten Scripture, or is your Bible just another book on the shelf that needs dusting every few days?

If we claim we want a closer relationship with God, then we must daily attend fellowship with Him. This includes prayer and Bible reading. We need constant interaction to keep us accountable and to help us learn more about our awesome Lord. The more time we spend with God, the more we align ourselves with His will.

God doesn’t expect perfect attendance. We won’t be penalized if we forget to pray or skip a day reading His Book. But He does desire an intimacy that requires our time and attention.

Looking to develop your relationship with the Most High? Make your attendance count!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mid-Week Reflection

Psalm 117
"Praise the LORD, all you nations;
extol Him, all you peoples.
For great is His love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the LORD
endures forever.
Praise the LORD."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Opportunities Knock

I love it when the Lord opens up doors of opportunities that I wasn’t expecting. An inquiry led to at least two assignments for a magazine with an additional offer to write about a topic they introduced. How good the Lord is!

Some might think, “But you took the initiative. It was your efforts that opened up the opportunity.”

Yes, but they could have said, “No, we’re not interested at this time.”

I believe God interacts in my life. He is my Lord and my God. Nothing that comes my way is by accident. He guides and directs. He orchestrates and allows. I have the freedom to choose my direction in life, but I know that if I ask Him to lead and I do what is pleasing in His eyes, then the opportunities that open up for me are from Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (NKJV).”

Are you looking for doors of opportunities in your life? Let the Lord lead and see what He opens up for you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Way Too Tired

Sometimes a blank piece of paper is very inviting. It gives me an opportunity to express myself, whether in putting down words or drawing pictures. However, there are times when my mind is as blank as the page in front of me and I have no inkling of where to start.

I’m in one of those blank states right now. I’ve been thinking and praying about a good subject to write about, but all I can do is yawn and try to keep my eyes open as I stare at my empty word processing page. You see, I stayed up way too late the night before, folding laundry and trying to watch a show about finance. So my bare page is a result of being far too tired to be productive.

Yet, you may say, I have put something down since you are reading that something at the moment. My argument is that I’m muddling through out of discipline for my craft. It lacks the inspiration I desire when I write for my blog.

So forgive my lack of insight for today. I promise to get a better night’s rest for tomorrow so both you and I can benefit from my hearing God’s word.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Beyond the Predictable

It’s almost mid-October and we finally have a bit of cooler weather here in Southern California. We actually had to pull out the extra blankets we had packed away and had to grab a jacket in the morning.

I welcome the change in temperature. The hot days were getting tiresome. It’s now the time to pull out the warmer clothes and bake coffee cakes and pumpkin bread. Of course, you can never fully pack up the summer clothes. It could be 90° for Thanksgiving or 85° for Christmas.

It would be nice to have some accurate predictions for our weather, but I guess that would be impossible. No one but God can know precisely what the weather will bring, although people can get close. I like the days when they forecast sunshine, but we get hail instead. I always keep an umbrella in my car, just in case.

Our economy right now is like Southern California weather: unpredictable. It’s a good thing I don’t take the forecasts too seriously. No matter what projections there are, whether good or bad, they won’t be accurate enough for me to totally trust them. I’d rather trust in God, who has promised to care for His people even in the droughts (tough times).

I love this passage from Jeremiah 16:7-8, “But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.”

Friday, October 10, 2008

To Fear or Not to Fear

With the recent crisis in Wall Street, the panic of many investors has caused stocks to drop dramatically. The solution, according to one financial person interviewed on the radio, was to control the fear, since the system, given time, will make its own corrections.

But how were people to control their fears? Is that where the government’s so called bail-out was to come into play? Was the government the answer to fear?

I am not willing to place my mental security in the hands of a man-made institution. I would rather place myself in the hands of my loving, sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God. He can give me a peace that goes beyond any human understanding. He can bring calm to chaos, tranquility to turmoil, and comfort to confusion.

Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

Want peace in the midst of a crazy and mixed up world? Call out to God and place yourself in His tender loving care.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Having Hope

Is your world falling apart? Are the things you were clinging to for stability (stocks, bonds, real estate investments, savings) vanishing before your eyes? Have you wondered what’s going to happen to you and your family?

If you look at the economic circumstances of our day you can certainly see a dismal future. But there is something I can offer you. I can give you hope. That hope is Jesus Christ.

Jesus is God incarnate. He came down to earth, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead to allow us a way to get to Heaven. Since He is the creator of the universe, He can provide for us even when our minds are screaming, “Impossible!” He knows our needs, and if we will just trust Him, He will make Himself real and take care of the necessities of life.

The Bible is full of God’s provision for His people, especially in the midst of difficulties and impossible situations. Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-32, “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” It also says in Psalm 33:18-19, “Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.”

God will provide. Being a Holy and Just God, He cannot deny His Word; therefore, He must and will do as He says. If you trust in Him, He will take care of you in His own way and His own timing. God loves you. He wants to bless you. Trust Him in the hard times and wait to see what amazing things He does.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

If You Can Read This...

I expected the car sticker to say, “If you can read this, you are too close.” Instead it said, “If you can read this, you can thank a teacher.” What a great thought! Sometimes we forget to thank the very ones who have supplied us with the means to function in life. We take many things for granted, not remembering all the building blocks that have led to our development.

I think we can easily do that with God. We forget that He gave us the brain, the breath, and the ability to become someone special. We forget that He blesses constantly, through opportunity, through family and friends, and through His grace. But ultimately, we forget that through Jesus, He came down to earth to die on a cross in order to restore the broken relationship we had with God because of our sins.

If you can read this, don’t forget to thank the One who created you, Who loves you, and Who paid the ultimate price of His life to save you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Our weather has been very fickle lately. Here it’s supposed to be fall, and we had heat waves last week, rain and cold temps over the weekend, and we’re back to very hot weather again. I can’t stand the inconsistency.

It’s too bad we don’t often recognize our fickleness with God. Sometimes we are completely on fire for Him. Other times we become too busy to pray or serve the Lord with a full heart.

God doesn’t like this inconsistent behavior. In Revelation 3:15-16, the Lord rebuked the church of Laodicea because of their lukewarm attitude. They were neither hot nor cold.

The days are getting tougher; the values of the nations are waning. We have two choices during these tough times. We can be fickle with our faith, or we can be sold out for the Lord. There are no other true choices for the believer.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Glimpses of Possibilites

Have you ever had glimpses of possibilities? These are what I call God’s little hints of His plans for you. When you are following His will for your life, and when your desire is to love, serve, and please Him, He gives us a tidbit or two to show us what lies ahead.

I get glimpses of possibilities for my writing career. Through the Scriptures He’s given me, I know He has wonderful things planned. He has called me to “Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does” (1 Chron. 16:24 NLT). He has already blessed me with a lot of publishing credits, including a book deal. And I’ve only been writing for about 6 years!

What glimpses has God given you? I hope you are thanking and praising Him and giving glory to His name!

Friday, October 3, 2008

An Issue of Debate

When I was in high school I briefly joined the debate team. We had a big debate scheduled with several other schools, but torrential rains in the area where the event was to be held cancelled our participation. We ended up having a mock debate amongst our club members instead.

The presidential debates in this present day is a far cry from the debates of my youth. We discussed points in a polite, formatted way, sharing our arguments to get our view across to those in attendance. Now we see a flurry of accusations, the strewing of unverified information as fact, and a disrespectful attitude for the opponent.

It's sad that the mudslinging and the finger pointing have to take place. There seems to be less debate and more of a "Survivor's" mentality: out wit, out play, out last.

Satan constantly makes all sorts of accusations against us. He wants to have an "in your face" attitude to get the best of us. Thankfully, when Jesus is our Lord, we have an advocate who will not accept the testimony of Satan, no matter how factual it may be. Because of Jesus' death on the cross, our sins have been wiped clean, so those false accusations are tossed out, never to have any validity in our lives.

Are you being attacked with mudslinging and fingerpointing in your spiritual life? Cling to Jesus. He will only deal with the true facts: that you have been made clean by His sacrifice.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Nicodemus was an important religious leader in Israel in the days of Jesus. Because of his position, he must have been wise and knowledgeable of the Scriptures. But something was tugging at his heart. This man Jesus, who spoke with such authority, was unlike the other rabbis. His words touched one’s soul.

A man of Nicodemus’ standing, however, had to be careful. There were too many enemies around to been seen with Jesus by day; so Nicodemus came at night, probably to silence the nagging questions about this amazing Man.

Being God Jesus was well aware of who Nicodemus was. But God is not impressed by prestige or position. God looks at the heart. So it’s interesting that Jesus basically tells this very religious man, that his religion wasn’t good enough. Although Nicodemus was a prominent member of his faith, Jesus made it clear that he would not enter the kingdom of God unless he was born again. His physical birth was of no consequence. His knowledge of Scriptures and his good works performing his “church” duties were inadequate. Nicodemus had to have a spiritual rebirth in order to receive eternal life.

How many of you were raised going to a church since birth? Perhaps you know all the books of the Bible and can discuss Jesus’ parables with no problem. You may be very religious, saying your prayers and observing special regimens as required in your place of worship. These actions, though, don’t save you. Accepting Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior is what saves you. That’s what it means to be born again.

If this rebirth was not important, Jesus would not have put it into His Word. He would have made the works of man an acceptable payment for the forgiveness of sins. But if Jesus is LORD, then you must believe what He says to be true. Why are you resisting what is so clear in Scripture?

If you’ve never asked Jesus into your heart, you need to do so if you wish to enter God’s kingdom. The Bible is God’s authoritative word. Be obedient to what it says.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Mouth Speaks

Are you comfortable speaking about the Lord? Does it depend on your audience? We feel less awkward in familiar territory, so it is easier for us to have discussions about our God with fellow believers. Although we are to exhort and encourage one another, we are also supposed to witness to non-believers. We are to share the hope that is within us.

But here comes the discomfort. For some reason many of us feel embarrassed or inadequate to speak to those who have not accepted Christ as their Lord. We feel we will be misinterpreted and labeled as a fanatic or a fool.

Jesus said to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19 (NKJV). It was a command, not a suggestion. We cannot ignore this directive. So how do we address this?

First, we need to pray. We must ask God to forgive us for not being obedient to His call. Second, we need to ask God to prepare our hearts. Meditating on His Word is a great way to keep our hearts focused on His will. When our hearts are full of God’s love and His Word, we are more prepared to share our faith, “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45b (NKJV).

Next, we need to ask God to show us who we are to speak to. Sometimes we are supposed to let our actions speak first before an opportune time to open our mouths presents itself. Finally, we need to pray for boldness. The more we pray the more God will stir us to obedience, and the calmer we will be when we are to say something.

Don’t let your uneasiness keep you from sharing God with others. Ask Him to help you to let your mouth speak.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Big is Your God?

Do you limit God? Do you think He is incapable of helping you in your time of need?
Sometimes we feel God is distant; that He is beyond participating in the affairs of mankind. But that is far from the truth.

Look at the Israelites in Egypt. In His timing God delivered them from the shackles and hardships of slavery. Their lack of trust, however, prevented them from enjoying the Promised Land for forty years. Yet even with their wait, God provided food in the form of manna and shelter in the form of a cloud cover to protect them from the desert sun.

When a famine spread throughout the land of Israel for three years, God provided for Elijah. Ravens brought him food and he drank from a small stream. After the water dried up, the Lord directed Elijah to go live with a widow and her son. Food was supplied in the form of a never ending supply of flour and a never empty jar of oil that only stopped when the rains came back to the land.

God takes care of those who love Him and call Him Lord. My God made the universe and everything in it. Nothing is beyond His knowledge or His care. So tell me…How big is your God?

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NKJV).

Monday, September 29, 2008

Still Waiting

Can you believe it’s been almost three weeks and I’ve yet to get my computer glasses? The lab “misplaced” my frames. They were sent along with the frames for my regular glasses, but somehow they can’t find them now. The opticians have been keeping in touch with the lab. I’m supposed to go try out some new frames if the old ones aren’t found soon.

I can’t do much to speed up the process. My computer glasses would have been great to have this past week as I was working on a book proposal. Perhaps that’s why I had a headache all day Sunday. My eyes have been under some heavy strain.

I have two choices as I wait. I can get frustrated and angry and grumble about the delay, or I can wait patiently for the perfect timing of everything and just deal with the situation day by day. Sometimes circumstances are beyond our control. Since complaining about the incident won’t help matters, I prefer to take things in stride. I get less stressed that way.

How are you at waiting?

Friday, September 26, 2008

First Responder

What do you do with a frustrating day or a difficult situation? Do you moan and groan to your neighbor, best friend, or even the stranger in line at the grocery store? You should be taking matters to the Lord first and foremost.

It isn’t always easy to go to God first. When we are hurting or angry, we want someone to know about it. We want someone on our side. Telling others gives us immediate feedback. We are looking for the sympathetic response. But by going to others first, we put God in the back seat instead of the driver’s seat where He belongs.

God wants us to be dependent on Him. He wants to be our first responder. When we present Him with our hurts and broken hearts, we are showing that we trust Him as our Lord and our God. We are exposing our vulnerabilities and yielding to His sovereignty and will. Only when we give ourselves in such a way to Him can the true healing process begin.

Who is your first responder? Who do you reach out to in time of need? Let God be God in your life.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Double Blessings

I have been blessed twice this week with breakfast dates, each with a very important woman in my life. Both ladies have influenced me greatly, helping me to become the woman I am today. Both bring laughter and smiles, and both offer accountability and great advice.

It’s so important to develop relationships where we can find support and encouragement. Such relationships are a blessing from God, which means we also have to do our part to keep them healthy and strong.

There are some, however, who find such interactions lacking. Circumstances have prevented close bonds with a kindred spirit. If this is you, ask the Lord to bring a special friend into your life who can relate and encourage and uplift. It may take awhile for this relationship to come about, but God’s timing is perfect. He will give you what you need when you need it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The noise was overwhelming. The floor trembled. You would have thought I was in the midst of a busy manufacturing plant. Instead I was in a fellowship hall of a local church where my kids were taking their karate lessons.

It’s important for kids to have some type of physical exercise. Too many times they are stuck watching TV or playing video games, and they lose out on toning up their muscles and building their body strength.

We all need bodily exercise; but we need spiritual exercise even more. Reading God’s Word, praying, and making time to worship are all forms of spiritual exercise. These activities keep us in tune with our Lord Jesus Christ, drawing us closer to Him.

Have you exercised today?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reaching Out

Most of us live in a very hectic world. We have kids to take to school and help with homework, households to maintain, meals to make, and family relationships to invest in. It’s easy to let our lifestyles dictate how we interact with others. We keep our world so small and focused we aren’t reaching out to friends, neighbors, and distant relatives. But are we supposed to live such isolated lives?

We do have to be responsible for our households, but God put us on this world to share His love with others as well as our immediate family. We are to bring light and hope to a darkened world by sharing the love of Christ in both word and deed. We can’t do that if we never step beyond our small circle of intimate family and friends.

So how do we reach out, especially with our time restraints? First of all, we start small. Pick up a few “Thinking of You” cards on your next shopping trip. It takes a few minutes to write them up and send them to people you haven’t spoken to in awhile. You can leave a message on a friend’s voicemail telling her you are praying for her week. Send over an extra batch of cookies to your neighbor since you were making some with the kids anyway. Have the kids draw some pictures for Grandma who lives far away and send them via e-mail.

Once you get into the habit of taking a few minutes to interact with others, you will learn to be more resourceful and creative with your time. Keep yourself open to opportunities God presents to you. You were created to glorify God and share His love, but you can’t do so if you don’t make yourself available to reach out.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Public Statement

Yesterday was a beautiful day at the beach. The weather was pleasant, the sky was blue, and the air was filled with the smells of sea salt and barbeques. My family and I joined a few hundred others from our church for our annual baptism and picnic.

This year was extra special because one of my daughters was getting baptized. We hadn’t pushed the issue at all. We want each of our children to recognize for themselves when they want to make this public statement of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So when our daughter stated she wanted to be baptized this year, we were pleased.

However, we wanted to make sure she understood what baptism was all about. We discussed the issue at length, read various Bible verses and explained that baptism symbolized the death to sin and rising to a new life. She understood it all and was looking forward to it except for one thing. She didn’t like the dunking part of it.

We arrived at the beach fairly early and went to explore the area where our church always holds its baptism. My daughter got a chance to splash around and get used to her surroundings. Her excitement grew and she was no longer weary of being immersed. In fact, by the time the baptisms took place, she was very enthusiastic. And when she came up out of the water, she had a big smile on her face.

It was a memorable day for her. She wants to take her baptism shirt and the pictures we took and place them in a frame so she will always remember the day she made her public statement about the faith that is in her heart. I think this was a memorable day for all of us.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Yesterday my girls and I were busy preparing cupcakes for my daughter’s 2nd grade class. We carefully measured out the ingredients, combined them into a bowl, and mixed everything up until the batter was creamy and smooth.

When it came time to pour the batter into the paper cups, I took over. It takes a practiced eye to get the right amount into those cups. You don’t want too much or too little. Next, I placed the muffin tins into the oven and set the timer.

It’s fascinating to see the cupcakes rise by the end of their baking time. The mushy batter pops up and turns into a soft moist cake. The paper cups, once partially filled, become full, all with the help of heat combined with the chemical reaction of the ingredients.

The Holy Spirit is the one who fills us up. Our lives are spiritually empty, but with the Holy Spirit we are filled to do the work God calls us to do. A cupcake is useless if it stays as a gooey mess. We, too, are useless if we don’t let the Holy Spirit energize and develop us as God intended.

Do you need to be filled? Give the Holy Spirit a call and He will start working on filling you up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thought for the Day

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you,
Whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the LORD always,
for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock."
Isaiah 26:3-4

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Put a Rush On It

My optometrist, knowing that I was doing some major researching for an upcoming proposal, decided to put a rush order on my computer glasses. It would take two days at the latest. Thursday and Friday went by. No phone call. I figured something must have caused a delay, but I wasn’t worried.

The weekend came and went. Monday arrived. No call. Finally, the telephone rang on Tuesday with the news, “Your glasses are ready!”

But when they brought out the glasses, they were the other prescription I was expecting later in the week. The computer glasses weren’t in sight! The optician who had placed the rush couldn’t understand the delay. She had called the lab the day of the order, emphasizing the rush. She even called to remind them the next day. Since she hadn’t been the one to receive the incoming orders that morning, she assumed I was picking up my computer glasses. Thankfully I now have something to work with until my other ones are ready.

Sometimes we ask God to put a rush on our prayer requests. We want Him to act right away so we get what we want when we want it. But there are times when we just need to wait. We need to trust God’s perfect timing. He knows all the steps and intricate details that are necessary to accomplish what would be in our best interest.

What are you trying to put a rush on? Let God work things out according to His timetable, not yours.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When Opportunity Knocks

There it is. The chance of a lifetime. An opportunity literally drops in your lap. What should you do? Should you immediately jump at the chance?

I have learned over the years that it's best to pray first and foremost. Even though it seems like a match made in heaven, I want to be sure it's the right opportunity for me. Sometimes God has other plans, so I pray for His direction on the matter.

Since praying is usually an ongoing process is such situations (especially when I'm waiting for distinct directions from the Lord), I like to list the pros and cons. How does this benefit me and my family? Will it involve time I cannot commit to? Have I researched all the details? I need to make sure my excitement about the matter doesn't override a need for discernment.

Next, I seek counsel from a godly family member or friend. Sometimes the Lord uses our loved ones to minister to us, especially when we might have too many distractions to allow us to see straight.

Finally, I wait. If God hasn't shown me through prayer, discernment, and godly counsel, then I need to wait for His perfect timing to show me.

When opportunity knocks we need to make sure it's God's plan for us. Seek the Lord above all else. He will help you make the right decision.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Out of Focus

I’ve been out of focus since Thursday. My eyes need a new prescription for my reading and computer glasses, so everything I’ve been doing lately (reading and researching) has been slightly blurry. No sharp letters on the printed page. No distinct images on my monitor. Thankfully I can see well enough to work, but I will be glad when I have my glasses back in my possession. I like seeing clearly.

Part of my research lately has taken me to a time of the early New England settlers of America. They were men and women whose vision was sharp and crisp and clear. These Pilgrims, and later Puritans, knew that the only way to make their communities work was to see the world through the eyes of their Savior, Jesus Christ. They were willing to live for Him and through Him and in His power. To do otherwise would cause their walk in life to be blurry and indistinct.

I am humbled by their faithfulness and resolve. Their lives have caused me to look at my own and realize that I so fall short of their spiritual walks. Some may ask, is it fair to compare my life with theirs, especially since we live in different times? My answer is yes. I can rightly compare because they used then the same life-source as I do now – the Bible.

And just as I currently look at my Bible with blurred vision because I lack my glasses, so I, too, have come to the realization that my walk with the Lord can be much sharper than it is right now. I need to prayerfully ask Him to show me those areas that need improving, and then act upon those improvements.

How is your vision? Can you see clearly enough in your walk, or are the edges fuzzy and unclear? Ask the Lord to sharpen your view today.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us."
Psalm 62:8 NKJV

Friday, September 12, 2008

Do You Know?

Do you know God loves you? Do you know that His love is unconditional? No matter what we have done, or what we are going to do, God's love is greater and He is faithful to forgive those who ask for repentance.

Some people, by looking at their past circumstances, feel they are unloveable. They don't realize that God's heart is not like a human heart. He can love everyone at any given moment. No one is beyond His love. He doesn't have a minimum amount of blessings to distribute to a select few. He sends the same rain on the just as on the unjust (Matthew 5:45).

God also paid the ultimate price to prove His love for us by allowing Jesus to die on the cross to save us from our sins. Without this sacrifice there would be no hope of entering Heaven when we die. He became our substitute so that we can be free if we call upon His name.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." John 15:13

What more proof do you need that God love you?!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Right Place, Right Time

We never know what the Lord has planned for our day. Sometimes we go about our business not even thinking how we can be of help to others. Such was the case yesterday when I went to visit my optometrist for my annual eye exam.

I had arrived on time, but a telephone call kept the doctor from seeing me right away. When I did get escorted into the examination room, she began to share what was going on. My optometrist is a Christian, and she knows I am, too, so she told me about her phone call. The circumstance reminded me of something that had happened to me many years ago, so I was able to share my experience along with a Scripture that had helped me at the time.

The doctor was excited about what I had to say. She gave God the credit for having me in her office at just that time. She then went on to say, “It’s so nice to talk to a Christian!”

God has everything mapped out to the second. He knows where everyone will be at what time and what circumstances everyone will be exposed to. When we are willing, we become the instruments He can use to minister to others. I had no clue that I’d be sharing with someone that day. But I was more than willing to do so when the time came.

You never know when you’ll be in the right place at the right time to be used for God’s glory. Just be willing to step in when He opens the door.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Change of Plans

I've had several plans change lately: vacation destinations, a friend get-together, yesterday's work schedule. It seems that everywhere I turn, something is getting changed. All of the circumstances were beyond my control. All required flexibility on my part.

There is a passage in the Book of James that tells us not to make definite plans, "...whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow (James 4:14a)." Does this mean we don't schedule anything? No, it just means we shouldn't say with certainty that something is absolutely going to happen in a particular way.

The passage goes on to say, "Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that' (James 4:15)." If we know that God is in control, and that circumstances change according to His will, then we need to be flexible when something doesn't work out exactly how we'd like it to. Because God is sovereign, He knows what will happen in our lives. He might be saving us from a mishap or misunderstanding, or maybe He wants to bless our day in a special way .

It isn't easy to accept changes in our plans, but we will save ourselves a lot of frustration if we learn to take things in stride.

Are your plans changing too much? Trust God to work out your schedule for the best.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Welcome Reunion

My writers' critique group got together the other day after a summer hiatus. It was a wonderful time of reconnecting and rejoicing in what the Lord has been doing in our lives these past few months.

It's amazing how rejuvenated I feel after I meet with those seven unique and talented ladies. There is just something that clicks when we get together; a chemistry that brings laughter, joy, support, encouragement, and love.

What draws us together? Is it our common love for the written word? Yes, that's part of it. But I think that the main cohesiveness comes from our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a special bond that makes us instant family.

I am glad our group has started up again for another 9 months of fellowship. I'm looking forward to each meeting!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Crane and Claw

Have you seen those arcade vending machines that have a claw to grab a stuffed animal or toy or candy when you move the crane in just the right direction? My kids love those, primarily because I'm pretty good at grabbing stuff. Anytime we go to an arcade or pass through a store that has those machines, the kids are sure to stick quarters into my hand so I can try to win a prize.

They jump for joy the moment those claws are working properly, are lined up in just the right spot, and descend to grasp that object with just the right amount of pressure to lift up and allow the item to be dumped into the retrieval bin.

Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. Sometimes the machine isn't working right and the claw doesn't drop. Or the stuffed animal is tucked into a corner that the crane cannot reach. When that happens the kids get a solemn look of disappointment on their faces.

Thankfully, we don't have to make futile attempts to capture Jesus like a crane and claw machine. Once we accept Him as our Lord and Savior we have Him for life. We don't have to be disappointed with failed efforts. He will always be our prize.

Let Jesus be your Grand Prize. You, too, will be jumping for joy.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper."
Psalm 1:3

Friday, September 5, 2008


My daughter stayed home from school the other day because of a sore throat. Although I told her to rest, she was too restless to do so. She watched TV and worked on homework for awhile. After lunch we had to go pick up one of her brothers from school, and as we were waiting she looked more and more tired. She really needed her rest if she wanted to get better.

Too many times we push ourselves to the limit, not realizing we are doing ourselves a disservice if we don’t stop and take a break for awhile. Resting, especially when we are sick, helps settle our body so it can work on recovery. It calms us and allows us to reenergize.

My daughter is young, so she isn’t consumed with all the extra activities we think we “need” to accomplish, even when we aren’t feeling our best. But because she is young, her rest is just as important, because she has less resistance to all that’s thrown her way. I made her rest in the afternoon so she could start working on getting better. When she finally did fall asleep, she slept for several hours.

Make sure you give yourself a chance to rest when your body calls for it. Your health will thank you.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Surgical Procedures

I had some outpatient surgery the other day to remove a mole from my right shoulder. The doctor made sure the area around the mole was properly anesthetized by giving me multiple injections. Then he used his scalpel to make precision cuts to remove the problem spot.

The doctor had noticed the blemish during my physical some months before. I was actually concerned about another mark, but he declared that one fine and then expressed an interest about this one. He watched it for a few months and determined it was growing just a bit, so surgery was called for.

Besides physically, there are times when we need to remove something questionable within us that will ultimately affect us spiritually. Perhaps we are struggling with a bad habit or are flirting with a temptation. Whatever it is, God knows it is detrimental to our spiritual health, so he gives us warnings. We can either ignore these signs of danger, or we can allow Him to root out and cut away that which can cause us harm.

It will take about two weeks before my stitches can be removed. It will also take awhile for spiritual healing when God has performed His procedures on us. But we must remember that just like the removal of my growth was necessary, so is the removal of those personality flaws that prevents us from becoming the person God wants us to be.

Do you need surgery in your life? Let the Great Physician work on you!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Smears & Jeers

I do not like the mud slinging and name calling the elections bring. It seems like people try to dig up the most dirt just to appall and shock and discourage voters. What happened to looking at what the candidates can do for this country? What happened to decency and fair play?

Yes, we should be aware of shady politics and see how the candidates stand on issues, but that shouldn't be cause to badger family members. It's the candidate we need to hear about, not their children.

Too bad more people don't practice what David wrote in Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." If they did we'd have more civil behavior in our elections because we would be held to God's standards, not our own.

But then again, if this were a perfect world, Jesus would be the King of all and we wouldn't need to hold elections.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do They Know?

Who knows you are a Christian? Is it just the people you sit next to each Sunday at church, or your family members? Do the neighbors or fellow workers know?

Growing up we learned the song, “They’ll Know We are Christians By Our Love.” People should know we are believers even if we never say a word to them about Jesus. Our actions should speak for us. We’re not supposed to be hanging around the office cooler or the lunch room waiting to hear the next crude or off-color joke. We shouldn’t laugh at the misfortunes of others or mock those in authority behind their backs.

We are to be loving, even to those who irritate us. We’re supposed to reach out and be compassionate, even if we feel shy to do so. We’re not to hide our faith under the cover of false pretenses. If God is truly our God and our LORD, then we need to walk in His power and in His might and in His spirit. We need to be a reflection of Him because we don’t know if we will be the only Christian a person will ever meet.

Don’t be afraid to show you are a believer, even if it’s only by your deeds. Jesus said in Luke 8:16, “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under the bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.”

Let the world see your light!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Come to Me, all you who labor
and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 NKJV

Friday, August 29, 2008

An Interruption

Hissssss! The sound jumped out at me as I got out of my car yesterday afternoon. I had just returned from picking up my son from school, and I was dropping him off before I had to turn around and pick up my other three from their school.

But the persistent noise caused me to glance at my front tire and notice a huge bolt sticking out of the treads. Great! I knew if I didn’t act soon, I’d have a flat tire on my hands and three kids stranded at school.

I called my husband and we decided I would first try to replace the escaping air by using the compressor in the garage; then I would drive to Costco to plug the hole. Noticing that my time was short, I hurriedly filled the tire (although more seemed to be coming out than going in). Then, grabbing my son, we headed to Costco.

Thankfully, the tire center wasn’t very busy, but I would still have to wait beyond the dismal time of the elementary school. I decided to walk to the school (about a mile away), pick up the kids, and head back to retrieve the car.

Attitudes are funny. Some people grumble and moan; others take things in stride; and still others relish the challenge a situation brings. I had every conceivable emotion before me when I picked up the kids. One moaned and complained. Another thought it was fun. Another thought she needed to use the bathroom. And finally, one said, “I have an extra water bottle and some food if we need it!”

Life will always throw curve balls. Something will eventually come along at some time or another that will interrupt our routine. I’m trying to show my children that it’s better to deal with the situation the best way we can. Complaining will only make us feel worse and keep us from thinking of positive ways to deal with the problem. I really enjoyed the attitude of my one son who said he had plenty of supplies to help us along the way.

We can’t prevent certain circumstances from happening, but we can take charge of how we deal with them. Try to be hopeful and helpful instead of hopeless and harried.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Scripture for the School Year

God’s Word is amazing. It contains instruction, direction, hope, encouragement, admonitions, and reflections that are meant to influence our lives for God’s glory.

As I was reading my One Year Bible the other day, a Scripture seemed to jump out at me that essentially encapsulated my thoughts for my children for this school year. I was so excited by its message, that I called the kids together and read the following from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14:

“Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. And everything you do must be done with love.”

How applicable! In school they will not have the protection of their family around them. They will have to stand on the principles we have instilled into their lives since they were born. They should not be afraid since God is always with them and they can draw strength from Him. There will be times when they won’t be able to speak about Christ as openly as at home and at church, but they can show others about Christ through their love of others.

Looking for inspiration for your school year? Look into God’s Word. It is filled with nuggets of wisdom that will be a blessing to you and your children.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Warning Signs

God made our bodies with some amazing abilities, one of which is its warning system. When something is not working right, or a part of our body has been hurt, we experience pain. Teeth are a perfect example.

For over a month I had been receiving some warning signs when I would bite certain foods on the right side of my mouth. I didn’t think much about it at first, because the pain would be sporadic, but when it didn’t go away, I decided to see my dentist.

By the time my appointment came along (the dentist was on vacation), my gums were feeling sore. Upon examination, she found that I had one molar with a small fracture. Since I wasn’t having consistent pain on the tooth, she decided to have a wait and see approach. My gums needed to heal, and she wanted to rule out that my gums were initiating false pains.

Two weeks went by. The pain was now more constant, even when I drank water at room temperature. I returned to the dentist again, and now I have a temporary crown.

As I write this my mouth is extremely numb from the anesthesia, and I will probably start hurting in a few hours from the stress of the shots in my jaw and the intense drilling on my tooth. But this uncomfortable feeling far outweighs the pain I would have felt if I had ignored the warnings signs and waited for my tooth to completely crack.

God not only gives us physical warning signs, He especially warns us spiritually. If you are doing things that are against God’s Word, He will definitely send warning signs in a variety of ways: through a sermon you hear, through the comments of a family member, through someone else’s experiences, through an illness that grabs your attention, just to name a few. He warns us because of His great love for us. He knows what’s best, and He sees the path of destruction we’re heading down if we don’t turn back and follow Him.

It’s important to listen to the warning signs. Taking care of the problem could be a little painful and cause some irritations, but in the long run, you will find comfort and healing because you have placed yourself into the hands of God.