Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Note of Thanks: Part III

On this third day of thanks, I want to thank the Lord for my friends. Have you ever stopped to consider that God brought your friends to you? I don’t think I seriously thought about this until I became a Christian and I started developing friendships with other godly women. There is such a unique bonding that goes beyond words.

The other day one of my friends gave me a very warm hug and thanked me for my friendship. This was very special to me since just four years ago I almost lost her as a friend because of something really dumb I did. God chose to rebuke me, change my heart, and now my friend and I are the best of friends. This could only have happened because of God’s love and intervention.

So I am thankful to God for the friends He has given me; for knowing those who would stand by me, counsel me, encourage me, and love me.

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