Friday, October 30, 2009

The Trouble with What Ifs

We all get them: those What ifs that fill our thoughts when we have no idea what a particular situation will bring. We start thinking of all sorts of dialogues or resulting actions or consequences. The problem with What Ifs is that we worry...too much. What Ifs overwhelm our thoughts, causing our discernment to malfunction. Most importantly, they keep us from directing our cares and concerns to the One who can actually give us aid: the Lord God Almighty.

It's extremely difficult to get rid of these bothersome thoughts. We are prone to worry. But as we give our situations to the Lord, and constantly remember His wonderful promises to keep us and watch over us and provide for us, we notice that those pesky ponderings aren't consuming us as much. They are still there, but they are often more like wisps of thought instead of loud and boisterous roars.

Being bothered by some persistent What Ifs? Pray to the Lord. Tell Him about your problem(s). Dive into His Word and draw comfort. As you do these things, you will find that "...the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tickled Ears

Do you go to church to get your ears tickled? There are lots of people who attend Sunday services for two reasons: because it's a habit and because they want to get their ears tickled. They don't go to improve their character. They go to hear a cutesy feel-good message. Or, if the message makes them slightly uncomfortable, they don't put the admonitions to practice or they find another church.

But should we be going to church to be entertained? No. And for those who like their ears tickled, can you honestly say you have a personal relationship with God? Is He your Lord and Savior? If He is not, then perhaps you need to re-evaluate your reason for going to church. Don't be a hypocrite if you aren't truly there to learn about Him. Just stay home.

That may sound harsh, but the reasons to go to church are to fellowship with other believers and to study God's Word. We are to hear and learn about the full counsel of God. We are to see how much He loves us, but we are also supposed to see how our sins separate us from having true fellowship with Him. We are to surrender our lives to our God and Savior so that He can work in and through us.

Tickled ears are fine once in awhile, but we don't grow that way. Try to find a church that will teach you who God really is, so that you may fulfill His purposes in your life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Great I Am

What is it that you need? I mean really need? Do you need a sympathetic ear? Do you need someone to give you comfort and strength? Do you need someone to love you unconditionally? Do you need someone who sees potential in you despite your failures? Then you need the Great I Am. Fill in the blank and He can deliver...what you need.

Of course, I'm talking about God Himself. He can meet all your needs. He hears you. He can give you peace. He pours out His love for you in ways beyond human understanding. He can take away your fears. He looks at you and sees the hope of something yet to be. And, most importantly, He forgives you and grants you mercy.

The Bible is full of the evidence of who He is. We can learn more about His character if we read it. You will see how much He desires to love you. You will see how He can supply all your needs.

Call out to the Great I Am. Ask Him to enter your life. He can provide far beyond what you can imagine.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The delete button can be a blessing or a curse. It can be good to rid your computer of some unwanted text or files. It can be bad when you hit the button accidentally, erasing something that took you hours to write.

Don't you wish that we had a delete button for the mistakes we've made in our lives? It would be nice if everyone could just forget that little incident that caused us embarrassment or that silly prank that turned into a fiasco.

Thankfully, God has a delete button when it comes to our sins. If we repent, the Bible says the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us. It also says that He will remember our sins no more. That means He won't count against us the sins of the past. Of course, we do have to take responsibility for our deeds and pay the consequences that resulted from our actions. But at least those past faux pas won't keep us from entering heaven.

Do you need God to delete your sins? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and He can get rid of those bad files in your life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy Weather

We've been having some crazy weather lately. First we had some rain with a high of 65 degrees. Then, two day later, we had temps reaching 98 degrees. I know Southern California weather can be unpredictable, but this is far beyond the norm. You would think I'd get used to this by now, having lived here all my life. But just like this week, I get my share of surprises.

The trouble with crazy weather is that our bodies don't have a chance to adapt to the extremes. This leaves us susceptible to sore throats and colds. I've been fighting a sore throat for weeks, particularly in the evenings and mornings.

Unpredictable weather reminds me of the unpredictability of life. We never know what the next day will bring. Some days we'll get typical days with little or no problems. Another day may bring a series of trials. We can get our share of extreme conditions that can lead us feeling weary and hopeless.

But thankfully we have a God who has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). He will be our shield (Psalm 22:20), and a very present help in our troubles (Psalm 46:1). Romans 8:31 reminds us, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" With all this backup, we should have no problem facing difficult days because we have the support and hope of our God.

Is crazy weather or a crazy life getting you down? Ask God to be your protector and comforter amidst your trials.

Friday, October 16, 2009

As Time Flies

Have you noticed how fast these days are flying by? I mean, wasn't it just Saturday yesterday? Of course, I wonder how much of this has to do with how busy we are. We take on way too many projects or are involved in far too many things, so we have very little rest.

The Bible states that there will come a time when the days will be shorter in order to deal with the trials ahead (see Matthew 24:22). Could this be that time? Perhaps, but even if its not, those days are getting closer. And that means Jesus' return is imminent.

So because these hours are just zooming by, how are you handling your time? Are you in step with your deadlines and obligations, or are you scrambling because you're wasting what little time you have? Maybe in order to stay ahead of the game you need to re-evaluate your schedule and see if there is something you can either delete or postpone temporarily. Then again, maybe you need to work on prioritizing your life.

As the days fly by let's ask the Lord to help us make the best use of them. He gives us the hours; so if we give Him our time, then I'm more than certain He can help us manage it better.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I find it amazing how a sculptor can take a block of marble and create a masterpiece with only his chisel, mallet, and lots of imagination. In the artist's trained eye he already sees the form and nuances of his creation before he even picks up his tools.

We are like that marble block when we become believers. To the untrained eye we are just a plain piece of stone; but our Master Sculptor, the Lord Almighty, sees wonderful potentials that can only be revealed by force and sharp edges. Bit by bit He removes the outer layers of pride, selfishness, greed, laziness, and other ills. The procedure takes time and causes pain. Often tears are shed. But after much effort the hints of a marvelous work of art begin to appear.

We need to be chiseled by the Lord. His cuts and chips are exact, trimming off precisely what needs to be removed at the proper time. We won't see the full benefits in this lifetime, but the changes are often stunning since it is so different from where we began. Chiseling hurts, but as long as the Lord is doing the work, I know I will come out okay.

Is God trimming off your rough edges? Are His loving cuts causing a few tears in your life? Don't fret. The process won't last forever, but the results will be amazing.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Do You Have the Correct User Name?

I was all set to write a new post for my blog, but when I went to log in, the site wouldn't accept my password. Try as I might, things just weren't working. Finally, after about twenty tries, I realized I was trying to log in with a different user name. No wonder it didn't recognize me.

Heaven is going to be like that. Unless we have a recognizable user name, we're just not going to get in. Even if we know the right password, which is Jesus, the site will remain off limits to us.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me,'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'"

People will know Jesus is the way to get to heaven, but unless they accept Him as their Lord and Savior, they will not be recognized as children of the living God. Have you personally taken the time to ask Jesus into your heart to make Him Lord of your life? If you're not sure, do it now. He will only acknowledge those who are truly His.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Planning on Nothing

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. It isn't because I have anything tremendous planned; it's just that this has been a very hectic week driving to and fro, and I want a chance to not have to go anywhere.

And it's perfect timing, too. I finished up two assignments I had this week, so I have no writing obligations whatsoever. Maybe I'll do some free reading. Or maybe I'll take a nap. Whatever I decide to do, I will try to relax and enjoy myself in the midst of it.

What are you planning for the weekend? Whatever it is, enjoy yourself!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learning Lessons from Lecturing

As a parent I'm constantly answering questions for my children about a whole plethora of subjects. Sometimes my responses come in discourses and lectures because of the nature of the topic.

The other day we were talking about Job and how Satan had to ask God's permission in order to even touch Job. After a bit of discussion, I went on to say, "Isn't it nice knowing that as Christians, nothing can come into our lives without God allowing it for whatever reason?"

Then it hit me. This applied to even the smallest concerns we have. For me this meant that a particular issue I had been struggling with, even though minute compared to other incidents in life, was allowed for a reason. Instead of fighting against it, I had to acknowledge that God put it into my life for His purposes, and that I was to trust Him completely for the outcome.

I will continue answering my children's questions, but it's nice to know that even parents can learn lessons while lecturing.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I was trimming my tomato plants yesterday, trying to cut back some leaves so the stems with the flowers can flourish. As I was snipping one particular branch , I noticed a familiar pattern that I haven't seen in years. It was the green, white, black, and red design of the tomato hornworm.

I used to find them all the time on my neighbor's tomato plants when I was growing up. If I remember right, my sister and I had the job of taking them off the bushes. They were hard to spot because their design and colors camouflaged them against the bright green leaves. But they needed to be removed because left to their own devices, these hornworms would cause serious damage to the tomato plant.

Isn't that much like sin? It is often camouflaged from view, mostly because we don't want it to be exposed. Yet it eats away the protective layers that had been built up by the Holy Spirit to keep our minds and hearts focused on the things of the Lord. If we don't remove the sin, our hearts can soon be hardened, and what once was repulsive will eventually become acceptable.

For the health of my tomato plant, I removed the little camouflaged pest. What is hidden in your life that you know needs to be removed? Ask the Lord to prune your branches so you can be whole and healthy.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Change of Plans

I had my day planned perfectly. I was going to run to the post office and the bank, and then I would head home to work a few hours on a project due next week. But I had an unexpected change of plans. My husband ended up having the day off and, well, there went my day.

I can't really complain. I got to spend a rare morning with him without the kids. I still got my errands done, but the writing will just have to wait. And we did have a very nice lunch together.

We need to be adaptable when a change of plans comes our way. Sometimes it will be a good thing, like yesterday for me. Other times it will challenge our patience. But the more we accept these changes with the knowledge that God allowed our plans to change, the better off we are. We may even be surprised by the results of our day.