Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dealing With Doubt

Do you doubt? Do you worry? Many people have this misconception that Christians shouldn’t have any misgivings or struggles. We are supposed to always be happy and joyful and goody-two-shoes.

Yet when we read our Bibles we see that even the giants of Scripture, Daniel, Moses, Joshua, and David, struggled with doubts in their hearts. Where is God in all this? Am I really called to be here? How can I handle this multitude? When is it time for God’s promises to be fulfilled?

Christians are human. We doubt; but we aren’t supposed to stay in that state. We are to look for the One who gives us hope and cling to His promises. We are to hold out our hand, knowing God will lift us up in His timing.

Psalm 94:19 speaks volumes to my heart: “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” Loosely translated it means in the numerous disquieting thoughts I have, God’s mercy smoothes my soul.

Do doubts fill your mind? Seek God’s comfort and consolations. Read about the struggles the Bible heroes went through. Then find hope as He smoothes your soul.

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