Friday, December 5, 2008

Flip Flops

"Flip! Flop! Flip!"

Those were the sounds my shoes were making last night as I was walking in the parking lot of my church to help out with a church function. I wasn't wearing my sandals, though. I was wearing my black flats that were a bit too big.

Normally I wear a half-size smaller, but when I tried on the "correct" size at the store, my toes got pinched. I figured I would be more comfortable with the next size up. Sure I was comfortable...when I was standing still. But when I had to walk, I got, "Flip! Flop! Flip!"

I often buy pads for the back of my dress shoes so my heels don't slip out, but I was in such a hurry to get out the door that night that I failed to put them in. I wonder how silly I looked as I walked. A few ladies I knew were walking right behind me as I made my way to a side entrance. I had to almost walk with a kind of a limping shuffle so the shoes wouldn't fall off as I moved forward. Thankfully I was able to remove my shoes once I got to the area I was working in since only two other ladies were around to see me.

Unlike flip floppy shoes, Jesus's love is a perfect fit. It will completely cover our hearts when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us.

Does your life go "Flip! Flop! Flip!"? Are you stumbling when you walk? Ask Jesus to be the perfect fit you need.

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