Thursday, September 4, 2008

Surgical Procedures

I had some outpatient surgery the other day to remove a mole from my right shoulder. The doctor made sure the area around the mole was properly anesthetized by giving me multiple injections. Then he used his scalpel to make precision cuts to remove the problem spot.

The doctor had noticed the blemish during my physical some months before. I was actually concerned about another mark, but he declared that one fine and then expressed an interest about this one. He watched it for a few months and determined it was growing just a bit, so surgery was called for.

Besides physically, there are times when we need to remove something questionable within us that will ultimately affect us spiritually. Perhaps we are struggling with a bad habit or are flirting with a temptation. Whatever it is, God knows it is detrimental to our spiritual health, so he gives us warnings. We can either ignore these signs of danger, or we can allow Him to root out and cut away that which can cause us harm.

It will take about two weeks before my stitches can be removed. It will also take awhile for spiritual healing when God has performed His procedures on us. But we must remember that just like the removal of my growth was necessary, so is the removal of those personality flaws that prevents us from becoming the person God wants us to be.

Do you need surgery in your life? Let the Great Physician work on you!

1 comment:

Nancy I. Sanders said...

I'm praying that your shoulder heals quickly!