Friday, October 17, 2008

Attendance Counts

The schools in our district are trying to encourage perfect attendance. Huge signs with the words “Attendance Counts!” are displayed, prizes are awarded, and students are recognized in order to stress the importance of making it to school every day.

Uninterrupted teaching is the primary reason. A child has a tough time learning if there are multiple absences. Consistency and repetition help encourage the student to achieve success.

How is your attendance when it comes to spending time with God? Are you noticeably absent? Do you only open your Bible to seek out some forgotten Scripture, or is your Bible just another book on the shelf that needs dusting every few days?

If we claim we want a closer relationship with God, then we must daily attend fellowship with Him. This includes prayer and Bible reading. We need constant interaction to keep us accountable and to help us learn more about our awesome Lord. The more time we spend with God, the more we align ourselves with His will.

God doesn’t expect perfect attendance. We won’t be penalized if we forget to pray or skip a day reading His Book. But He does desire an intimacy that requires our time and attention.

Looking to develop your relationship with the Most High? Make your attendance count!

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