Friday, October 3, 2008

An Issue of Debate

When I was in high school I briefly joined the debate team. We had a big debate scheduled with several other schools, but torrential rains in the area where the event was to be held cancelled our participation. We ended up having a mock debate amongst our club members instead.

The presidential debates in this present day is a far cry from the debates of my youth. We discussed points in a polite, formatted way, sharing our arguments to get our view across to those in attendance. Now we see a flurry of accusations, the strewing of unverified information as fact, and a disrespectful attitude for the opponent.

It's sad that the mudslinging and the finger pointing have to take place. There seems to be less debate and more of a "Survivor's" mentality: out wit, out play, out last.

Satan constantly makes all sorts of accusations against us. He wants to have an "in your face" attitude to get the best of us. Thankfully, when Jesus is our Lord, we have an advocate who will not accept the testimony of Satan, no matter how factual it may be. Because of Jesus' death on the cross, our sins have been wiped clean, so those false accusations are tossed out, never to have any validity in our lives.

Are you being attacked with mudslinging and fingerpointing in your spiritual life? Cling to Jesus. He will only deal with the true facts: that you have been made clean by His sacrifice.

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