Monday, October 20, 2008

That's the Ticket

We took our son to a video game center for his birthday. He, his siblings, and a friend each got a card worth a certain number of tokens. With those cards they could play all sorts of games, including interactive video games. They all, however, primarily chose the games that gave out tickets that could be redeemed for prizes.

My sons decided to join forces to gather as many tickets as possible. They worked hard to play certain games that paid the most. When it came time to redeem the tickets, they kept pulling out bunches upon bunches from their pockets. They ended up having over 2,500 tickets!

Of course, the prizes they really wanted cost far more than they had, but they still were able to pick up a few items they liked. The boys decided to keep the rest on account to be used at another time.

Most kids don’t realize how much is spent to earn those little prizes they get at the end of their playing. They just have a blast running from one game to the next, building up their points to get something fun. The parents, though, know that those toys and trinkets have cost them far more than their actual worth.

We have a ticket waiting for us that is priceless. Its cost was far more than most people realize, and the amazing thing is that it didn’t cost us one cent. The ticket was the sacrifice paid by a loving God when He came down to earth in the form of a human to die on a cross so that our sins could be forgiven. Only when we accept this ticket (Jesus) can we get a one way pass to Heaven. No ticket, no entry.

Is your ticket of value, or is it only worth a few trinkets? Ask Jesus into your heart and your Heavenly pass is secured for your future.

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