Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Big is Your God?

Do you limit God? Do you think He is incapable of helping you in your time of need?
Sometimes we feel God is distant; that He is beyond participating in the affairs of mankind. But that is far from the truth.

Look at the Israelites in Egypt. In His timing God delivered them from the shackles and hardships of slavery. Their lack of trust, however, prevented them from enjoying the Promised Land for forty years. Yet even with their wait, God provided food in the form of manna and shelter in the form of a cloud cover to protect them from the desert sun.

When a famine spread throughout the land of Israel for three years, God provided for Elijah. Ravens brought him food and he drank from a small stream. After the water dried up, the Lord directed Elijah to go live with a widow and her son. Food was supplied in the form of a never ending supply of flour and a never empty jar of oil that only stopped when the rains came back to the land.

God takes care of those who love Him and call Him Lord. My God made the universe and everything in it. Nothing is beyond His knowledge or His care. So tell me…How big is your God?

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NKJV).

Monday, September 29, 2008

Still Waiting

Can you believe it’s been almost three weeks and I’ve yet to get my computer glasses? The lab “misplaced” my frames. They were sent along with the frames for my regular glasses, but somehow they can’t find them now. The opticians have been keeping in touch with the lab. I’m supposed to go try out some new frames if the old ones aren’t found soon.

I can’t do much to speed up the process. My computer glasses would have been great to have this past week as I was working on a book proposal. Perhaps that’s why I had a headache all day Sunday. My eyes have been under some heavy strain.

I have two choices as I wait. I can get frustrated and angry and grumble about the delay, or I can wait patiently for the perfect timing of everything and just deal with the situation day by day. Sometimes circumstances are beyond our control. Since complaining about the incident won’t help matters, I prefer to take things in stride. I get less stressed that way.

How are you at waiting?

Friday, September 26, 2008

First Responder

What do you do with a frustrating day or a difficult situation? Do you moan and groan to your neighbor, best friend, or even the stranger in line at the grocery store? You should be taking matters to the Lord first and foremost.

It isn’t always easy to go to God first. When we are hurting or angry, we want someone to know about it. We want someone on our side. Telling others gives us immediate feedback. We are looking for the sympathetic response. But by going to others first, we put God in the back seat instead of the driver’s seat where He belongs.

God wants us to be dependent on Him. He wants to be our first responder. When we present Him with our hurts and broken hearts, we are showing that we trust Him as our Lord and our God. We are exposing our vulnerabilities and yielding to His sovereignty and will. Only when we give ourselves in such a way to Him can the true healing process begin.

Who is your first responder? Who do you reach out to in time of need? Let God be God in your life.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Double Blessings

I have been blessed twice this week with breakfast dates, each with a very important woman in my life. Both ladies have influenced me greatly, helping me to become the woman I am today. Both bring laughter and smiles, and both offer accountability and great advice.

It’s so important to develop relationships where we can find support and encouragement. Such relationships are a blessing from God, which means we also have to do our part to keep them healthy and strong.

There are some, however, who find such interactions lacking. Circumstances have prevented close bonds with a kindred spirit. If this is you, ask the Lord to bring a special friend into your life who can relate and encourage and uplift. It may take awhile for this relationship to come about, but God’s timing is perfect. He will give you what you need when you need it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The noise was overwhelming. The floor trembled. You would have thought I was in the midst of a busy manufacturing plant. Instead I was in a fellowship hall of a local church where my kids were taking their karate lessons.

It’s important for kids to have some type of physical exercise. Too many times they are stuck watching TV or playing video games, and they lose out on toning up their muscles and building their body strength.

We all need bodily exercise; but we need spiritual exercise even more. Reading God’s Word, praying, and making time to worship are all forms of spiritual exercise. These activities keep us in tune with our Lord Jesus Christ, drawing us closer to Him.

Have you exercised today?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reaching Out

Most of us live in a very hectic world. We have kids to take to school and help with homework, households to maintain, meals to make, and family relationships to invest in. It’s easy to let our lifestyles dictate how we interact with others. We keep our world so small and focused we aren’t reaching out to friends, neighbors, and distant relatives. But are we supposed to live such isolated lives?

We do have to be responsible for our households, but God put us on this world to share His love with others as well as our immediate family. We are to bring light and hope to a darkened world by sharing the love of Christ in both word and deed. We can’t do that if we never step beyond our small circle of intimate family and friends.

So how do we reach out, especially with our time restraints? First of all, we start small. Pick up a few “Thinking of You” cards on your next shopping trip. It takes a few minutes to write them up and send them to people you haven’t spoken to in awhile. You can leave a message on a friend’s voicemail telling her you are praying for her week. Send over an extra batch of cookies to your neighbor since you were making some with the kids anyway. Have the kids draw some pictures for Grandma who lives far away and send them via e-mail.

Once you get into the habit of taking a few minutes to interact with others, you will learn to be more resourceful and creative with your time. Keep yourself open to opportunities God presents to you. You were created to glorify God and share His love, but you can’t do so if you don’t make yourself available to reach out.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Public Statement

Yesterday was a beautiful day at the beach. The weather was pleasant, the sky was blue, and the air was filled with the smells of sea salt and barbeques. My family and I joined a few hundred others from our church for our annual baptism and picnic.

This year was extra special because one of my daughters was getting baptized. We hadn’t pushed the issue at all. We want each of our children to recognize for themselves when they want to make this public statement of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So when our daughter stated she wanted to be baptized this year, we were pleased.

However, we wanted to make sure she understood what baptism was all about. We discussed the issue at length, read various Bible verses and explained that baptism symbolized the death to sin and rising to a new life. She understood it all and was looking forward to it except for one thing. She didn’t like the dunking part of it.

We arrived at the beach fairly early and went to explore the area where our church always holds its baptism. My daughter got a chance to splash around and get used to her surroundings. Her excitement grew and she was no longer weary of being immersed. In fact, by the time the baptisms took place, she was very enthusiastic. And when she came up out of the water, she had a big smile on her face.

It was a memorable day for her. She wants to take her baptism shirt and the pictures we took and place them in a frame so she will always remember the day she made her public statement about the faith that is in her heart. I think this was a memorable day for all of us.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Yesterday my girls and I were busy preparing cupcakes for my daughter’s 2nd grade class. We carefully measured out the ingredients, combined them into a bowl, and mixed everything up until the batter was creamy and smooth.

When it came time to pour the batter into the paper cups, I took over. It takes a practiced eye to get the right amount into those cups. You don’t want too much or too little. Next, I placed the muffin tins into the oven and set the timer.

It’s fascinating to see the cupcakes rise by the end of their baking time. The mushy batter pops up and turns into a soft moist cake. The paper cups, once partially filled, become full, all with the help of heat combined with the chemical reaction of the ingredients.

The Holy Spirit is the one who fills us up. Our lives are spiritually empty, but with the Holy Spirit we are filled to do the work God calls us to do. A cupcake is useless if it stays as a gooey mess. We, too, are useless if we don’t let the Holy Spirit energize and develop us as God intended.

Do you need to be filled? Give the Holy Spirit a call and He will start working on filling you up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thought for the Day

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you,
Whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the LORD always,
for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock."
Isaiah 26:3-4

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Put a Rush On It

My optometrist, knowing that I was doing some major researching for an upcoming proposal, decided to put a rush order on my computer glasses. It would take two days at the latest. Thursday and Friday went by. No phone call. I figured something must have caused a delay, but I wasn’t worried.

The weekend came and went. Monday arrived. No call. Finally, the telephone rang on Tuesday with the news, “Your glasses are ready!”

But when they brought out the glasses, they were the other prescription I was expecting later in the week. The computer glasses weren’t in sight! The optician who had placed the rush couldn’t understand the delay. She had called the lab the day of the order, emphasizing the rush. She even called to remind them the next day. Since she hadn’t been the one to receive the incoming orders that morning, she assumed I was picking up my computer glasses. Thankfully I now have something to work with until my other ones are ready.

Sometimes we ask God to put a rush on our prayer requests. We want Him to act right away so we get what we want when we want it. But there are times when we just need to wait. We need to trust God’s perfect timing. He knows all the steps and intricate details that are necessary to accomplish what would be in our best interest.

What are you trying to put a rush on? Let God work things out according to His timetable, not yours.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When Opportunity Knocks

There it is. The chance of a lifetime. An opportunity literally drops in your lap. What should you do? Should you immediately jump at the chance?

I have learned over the years that it's best to pray first and foremost. Even though it seems like a match made in heaven, I want to be sure it's the right opportunity for me. Sometimes God has other plans, so I pray for His direction on the matter.

Since praying is usually an ongoing process is such situations (especially when I'm waiting for distinct directions from the Lord), I like to list the pros and cons. How does this benefit me and my family? Will it involve time I cannot commit to? Have I researched all the details? I need to make sure my excitement about the matter doesn't override a need for discernment.

Next, I seek counsel from a godly family member or friend. Sometimes the Lord uses our loved ones to minister to us, especially when we might have too many distractions to allow us to see straight.

Finally, I wait. If God hasn't shown me through prayer, discernment, and godly counsel, then I need to wait for His perfect timing to show me.

When opportunity knocks we need to make sure it's God's plan for us. Seek the Lord above all else. He will help you make the right decision.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Out of Focus

I’ve been out of focus since Thursday. My eyes need a new prescription for my reading and computer glasses, so everything I’ve been doing lately (reading and researching) has been slightly blurry. No sharp letters on the printed page. No distinct images on my monitor. Thankfully I can see well enough to work, but I will be glad when I have my glasses back in my possession. I like seeing clearly.

Part of my research lately has taken me to a time of the early New England settlers of America. They were men and women whose vision was sharp and crisp and clear. These Pilgrims, and later Puritans, knew that the only way to make their communities work was to see the world through the eyes of their Savior, Jesus Christ. They were willing to live for Him and through Him and in His power. To do otherwise would cause their walk in life to be blurry and indistinct.

I am humbled by their faithfulness and resolve. Their lives have caused me to look at my own and realize that I so fall short of their spiritual walks. Some may ask, is it fair to compare my life with theirs, especially since we live in different times? My answer is yes. I can rightly compare because they used then the same life-source as I do now – the Bible.

And just as I currently look at my Bible with blurred vision because I lack my glasses, so I, too, have come to the realization that my walk with the Lord can be much sharper than it is right now. I need to prayerfully ask Him to show me those areas that need improving, and then act upon those improvements.

How is your vision? Can you see clearly enough in your walk, or are the edges fuzzy and unclear? Ask the Lord to sharpen your view today.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us."
Psalm 62:8 NKJV

Friday, September 12, 2008

Do You Know?

Do you know God loves you? Do you know that His love is unconditional? No matter what we have done, or what we are going to do, God's love is greater and He is faithful to forgive those who ask for repentance.

Some people, by looking at their past circumstances, feel they are unloveable. They don't realize that God's heart is not like a human heart. He can love everyone at any given moment. No one is beyond His love. He doesn't have a minimum amount of blessings to distribute to a select few. He sends the same rain on the just as on the unjust (Matthew 5:45).

God also paid the ultimate price to prove His love for us by allowing Jesus to die on the cross to save us from our sins. Without this sacrifice there would be no hope of entering Heaven when we die. He became our substitute so that we can be free if we call upon His name.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." John 15:13

What more proof do you need that God love you?!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Right Place, Right Time

We never know what the Lord has planned for our day. Sometimes we go about our business not even thinking how we can be of help to others. Such was the case yesterday when I went to visit my optometrist for my annual eye exam.

I had arrived on time, but a telephone call kept the doctor from seeing me right away. When I did get escorted into the examination room, she began to share what was going on. My optometrist is a Christian, and she knows I am, too, so she told me about her phone call. The circumstance reminded me of something that had happened to me many years ago, so I was able to share my experience along with a Scripture that had helped me at the time.

The doctor was excited about what I had to say. She gave God the credit for having me in her office at just that time. She then went on to say, “It’s so nice to talk to a Christian!”

God has everything mapped out to the second. He knows where everyone will be at what time and what circumstances everyone will be exposed to. When we are willing, we become the instruments He can use to minister to others. I had no clue that I’d be sharing with someone that day. But I was more than willing to do so when the time came.

You never know when you’ll be in the right place at the right time to be used for God’s glory. Just be willing to step in when He opens the door.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Change of Plans

I've had several plans change lately: vacation destinations, a friend get-together, yesterday's work schedule. It seems that everywhere I turn, something is getting changed. All of the circumstances were beyond my control. All required flexibility on my part.

There is a passage in the Book of James that tells us not to make definite plans, "...whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow (James 4:14a)." Does this mean we don't schedule anything? No, it just means we shouldn't say with certainty that something is absolutely going to happen in a particular way.

The passage goes on to say, "Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that' (James 4:15)." If we know that God is in control, and that circumstances change according to His will, then we need to be flexible when something doesn't work out exactly how we'd like it to. Because God is sovereign, He knows what will happen in our lives. He might be saving us from a mishap or misunderstanding, or maybe He wants to bless our day in a special way .

It isn't easy to accept changes in our plans, but we will save ourselves a lot of frustration if we learn to take things in stride.

Are your plans changing too much? Trust God to work out your schedule for the best.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Welcome Reunion

My writers' critique group got together the other day after a summer hiatus. It was a wonderful time of reconnecting and rejoicing in what the Lord has been doing in our lives these past few months.

It's amazing how rejuvenated I feel after I meet with those seven unique and talented ladies. There is just something that clicks when we get together; a chemistry that brings laughter, joy, support, encouragement, and love.

What draws us together? Is it our common love for the written word? Yes, that's part of it. But I think that the main cohesiveness comes from our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a special bond that makes us instant family.

I am glad our group has started up again for another 9 months of fellowship. I'm looking forward to each meeting!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Crane and Claw

Have you seen those arcade vending machines that have a claw to grab a stuffed animal or toy or candy when you move the crane in just the right direction? My kids love those, primarily because I'm pretty good at grabbing stuff. Anytime we go to an arcade or pass through a store that has those machines, the kids are sure to stick quarters into my hand so I can try to win a prize.

They jump for joy the moment those claws are working properly, are lined up in just the right spot, and descend to grasp that object with just the right amount of pressure to lift up and allow the item to be dumped into the retrieval bin.

Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. Sometimes the machine isn't working right and the claw doesn't drop. Or the stuffed animal is tucked into a corner that the crane cannot reach. When that happens the kids get a solemn look of disappointment on their faces.

Thankfully, we don't have to make futile attempts to capture Jesus like a crane and claw machine. Once we accept Him as our Lord and Savior we have Him for life. We don't have to be disappointed with failed efforts. He will always be our prize.

Let Jesus be your Grand Prize. You, too, will be jumping for joy.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper."
Psalm 1:3

Friday, September 5, 2008


My daughter stayed home from school the other day because of a sore throat. Although I told her to rest, she was too restless to do so. She watched TV and worked on homework for awhile. After lunch we had to go pick up one of her brothers from school, and as we were waiting she looked more and more tired. She really needed her rest if she wanted to get better.

Too many times we push ourselves to the limit, not realizing we are doing ourselves a disservice if we don’t stop and take a break for awhile. Resting, especially when we are sick, helps settle our body so it can work on recovery. It calms us and allows us to reenergize.

My daughter is young, so she isn’t consumed with all the extra activities we think we “need” to accomplish, even when we aren’t feeling our best. But because she is young, her rest is just as important, because she has less resistance to all that’s thrown her way. I made her rest in the afternoon so she could start working on getting better. When she finally did fall asleep, she slept for several hours.

Make sure you give yourself a chance to rest when your body calls for it. Your health will thank you.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Surgical Procedures

I had some outpatient surgery the other day to remove a mole from my right shoulder. The doctor made sure the area around the mole was properly anesthetized by giving me multiple injections. Then he used his scalpel to make precision cuts to remove the problem spot.

The doctor had noticed the blemish during my physical some months before. I was actually concerned about another mark, but he declared that one fine and then expressed an interest about this one. He watched it for a few months and determined it was growing just a bit, so surgery was called for.

Besides physically, there are times when we need to remove something questionable within us that will ultimately affect us spiritually. Perhaps we are struggling with a bad habit or are flirting with a temptation. Whatever it is, God knows it is detrimental to our spiritual health, so he gives us warnings. We can either ignore these signs of danger, or we can allow Him to root out and cut away that which can cause us harm.

It will take about two weeks before my stitches can be removed. It will also take awhile for spiritual healing when God has performed His procedures on us. But we must remember that just like the removal of my growth was necessary, so is the removal of those personality flaws that prevents us from becoming the person God wants us to be.

Do you need surgery in your life? Let the Great Physician work on you!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Smears & Jeers

I do not like the mud slinging and name calling the elections bring. It seems like people try to dig up the most dirt just to appall and shock and discourage voters. What happened to looking at what the candidates can do for this country? What happened to decency and fair play?

Yes, we should be aware of shady politics and see how the candidates stand on issues, but that shouldn't be cause to badger family members. It's the candidate we need to hear about, not their children.

Too bad more people don't practice what David wrote in Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." If they did we'd have more civil behavior in our elections because we would be held to God's standards, not our own.

But then again, if this were a perfect world, Jesus would be the King of all and we wouldn't need to hold elections.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do They Know?

Who knows you are a Christian? Is it just the people you sit next to each Sunday at church, or your family members? Do the neighbors or fellow workers know?

Growing up we learned the song, “They’ll Know We are Christians By Our Love.” People should know we are believers even if we never say a word to them about Jesus. Our actions should speak for us. We’re not supposed to be hanging around the office cooler or the lunch room waiting to hear the next crude or off-color joke. We shouldn’t laugh at the misfortunes of others or mock those in authority behind their backs.

We are to be loving, even to those who irritate us. We’re supposed to reach out and be compassionate, even if we feel shy to do so. We’re not to hide our faith under the cover of false pretenses. If God is truly our God and our LORD, then we need to walk in His power and in His might and in His spirit. We need to be a reflection of Him because we don’t know if we will be the only Christian a person will ever meet.

Don’t be afraid to show you are a believer, even if it’s only by your deeds. Jesus said in Luke 8:16, “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under the bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.”

Let the world see your light!