Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Way Too Tired

Sometimes a blank piece of paper is very inviting. It gives me an opportunity to express myself, whether in putting down words or drawing pictures. However, there are times when my mind is as blank as the page in front of me and I have no inkling of where to start.

I’m in one of those blank states right now. I’ve been thinking and praying about a good subject to write about, but all I can do is yawn and try to keep my eyes open as I stare at my empty word processing page. You see, I stayed up way too late the night before, folding laundry and trying to watch a show about finance. So my bare page is a result of being far too tired to be productive.

Yet, you may say, I have put something down since you are reading that something at the moment. My argument is that I’m muddling through out of discipline for my craft. It lacks the inspiration I desire when I write for my blog.

So forgive my lack of insight for today. I promise to get a better night’s rest for tomorrow so both you and I can benefit from my hearing God’s word.

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