Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pesky Flies

I spent a good portion of my morning yesterday chasing flies. They seemed to come out of nowhere, and the moment I’d get rid of one, another seemed to take its place.

It’s a mystery how they entered the house. The back screen door was in place. The flies could have squeezed through a crack in the door, but the area looked too skinny for any to fit through. All I know is that they were a nuisance and they wasted a lot of my time and energy as I worked hard to get rid of them.

Sin can be pesky like flies. We try to shoo it away, even chase it out of our lives, but then all of a sudden we are confronted with it again and again. Unlike flies that we can capture and permanently get rid of, sin cannot be exterminated through our own labors. Only God can permanently remove the offenses that seem to inundate us. Only He can make us pest free.

But in order for Him to eliminate our sins, we must relinquish them to Him. We must be willing to admit our transgressions, ask for forgiveness, and then submit to His will so we can be remolded and reshaped into the person He has planned for us to be.

Are you letting pesky sins expend your time and energy? Ask the true Exterminator for help. He is the only eradicator you’ll ever need, guaranteed.

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