Monday, November 10, 2008

Soldiers for the Lord

Today the country is observing Veterans’ Day in honor of those who have served this country to protect our liberties and freedoms. Without the valiant and willful sacrifices of these faithful soldiers, America would be a far different place. They deserve much respect and praise.

But today I would like you to consider some other soldiers who are just as worthy of our honor and respect: the Soldiers for the Lord. These are faithful Christians who have been obedient to their true Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, and have willingly followed God’s lead to love others, to intercede on their behalf, and to defend the Gospel.

Being a Soldier for the Lord is not easy. The duties consist of interacting in enemy territory, sharing a message of hope that isn’t always welcome. It requires long hours of prayer and fasting to intercede for the lost, and it requires a selfless duty to serve others who too often aren’t thankful at all.

We are to be these Soldiers. As believers in the One True God, we need to put on our full armor, as described in Ephesians 6, and moved forward according to the Lord’s directions. We need to trust God for strength, supplies, and sustenance. We need to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow the Lord without complaint and in full obedience, receiving little reward until our service here on earth is completed.

Have you signed up for the Lord’s army? It is an honor to serve the Lord. Come join the ranks and become a true Soldier for the Lord.

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