Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do They Know?

Who knows you are a Christian? Is it just the people you sit next to each Sunday at church, or your family members? Do the neighbors or fellow workers know?

Growing up we learned the song, “They’ll Know We are Christians By Our Love.” People should know we are believers even if we never say a word to them about Jesus. Our actions should speak for us. We’re not supposed to be hanging around the office cooler or the lunch room waiting to hear the next crude or off-color joke. We shouldn’t laugh at the misfortunes of others or mock those in authority behind their backs.

We are to be loving, even to those who irritate us. We’re supposed to reach out and be compassionate, even if we feel shy to do so. We’re not to hide our faith under the cover of false pretenses. If God is truly our God and our LORD, then we need to walk in His power and in His might and in His spirit. We need to be a reflection of Him because we don’t know if we will be the only Christian a person will ever meet.

Don’t be afraid to show you are a believer, even if it’s only by your deeds. Jesus said in Luke 8:16, “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under the bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.”

Let the world see your light!

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