Wednesday, January 9, 2008

While You Wait

Have you ever watched people in a waiting room? Have you noticed how uncomfortable they become the longer they have to wait? I've noticed feet tapping, constant shifting of positions, random perusals of magazines, repeated glances at watches (sometimes several within a minute), and the very audible sighs of the extremely impatient.

I've also noticed the exact opposite: the person absorbed in the latest novel, a grandmother knitting a baby blanket, an old man snoring softly, and a business executive working on his laptop. We all handle waiting differently.

I try to be productive in my waiting. I have learned over the years that it does me no good to murmur and complain. There are many situations beyond my control, so why should I get stressed while I wait? Do I really need to worry about this doctor's visit or the fact that the delay will cause me to make a late dinner? I find I better make the best use of my time now, because, frankly, sometimes I have so very little of it.

When I wait, I try to work on writing deadlines or on a plot for my latest novel. Or I will grab that magazine that has been sitting in my "To Read" file so I can move it to the "Round File" (a.k.a. the trash can). For the times that I've forgotten to bring something to do, I know I can always pray silently for family and friends or I can just sit and listen to what the Lord has been trying to say to me all day.

Turn waiting into productivity. Turn it into a joy. The results will be worth the wait.

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