Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Measure of Success

How do you measure success? Is it by the car you drive or the fancy phone with all the latest gadgets? Is it by the number of friends you have or by the number of sales you made at the office?

A family friend once told me, "You are going to be successful." That was over 20 years ago. My perceptions of success have greatly changed over the past two decades.

At one time I had dreams of driving a convertible and living in a mansion with horses. I never achieved any of those (not even close!); frankly, I'm glad I didn't. So how do I measure success now? I measure it by using the gifts God gave me to the best of my ability by actively calling on Him to bless them according to His will.

God has gifted everyone with at least one skill or talent. Are you good at drawing? Are you a great cook? Do people come to you for financial or personal advice? A person is a success when they properly use their talents because they then become a blessing to those who are touched by those gifts.

Five years ago I realized that my gift was in writing. I may never be a world success like J.K. Rawlings (and I know I would not want to follow in her footsteps), but if I use my gift to bring goodness, hope, love, and encouragement to even one person, then I have been successful with what God has called me to do.

How should you measure success? The best way is God's way.

"And may the Lord our God show us His approval
and make our efforts successful.
Yes, make our efforts successful."
Psalm 90:17
New Living Translation

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