Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Little Bit of Encouragement

Once a month from September to June I meet with a wonderful group of women writers. We bring up to ten pages of our most recent projects, and we read to one another so our work can be critiqued. The rules are simple: you must be encouraging, and you must be nice in your constructive criticisms. I look forward to this group each month (and sorely miss it in the summer), because they are so loving and supportive.

We all feel good when we are encouraged. Kind words lift up our spirits and make us more productive and hopeful. It tends to give us that extra bit of energy we need to finish the job; and to finish it with a smile.

It doesn't take much effort to be encouraging, either. "You're doing a great job!" or "I like how you did that!" can go a long way to brighten a person's day. Unfortunately, we get so bogged down with our own busy-ness that we forget that others need to feel that their efforts are worthwhile, too.

Take a moment to encourage someone. The smile you receive back will make you feel encouraged, too.


Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

I agree with your statements, Catherine. What a blessing to have people who are willing to give constructive criticism but do so "with a spoon full of sugar"!
Thank you for being that kind of person


Nancy I. Sanders said...

Thanks for all your encouragement yesterday, Catherine! And your prayers. I agree with Gloria that you are that kind of a person--your little personal touch helped me work through my "attitude" issues about those things we were talking about. Plus, God reminded me of Acats 3:19-20, NLT: Now turn from your sins and turn to God so you can be cleansed from your sins. Then wonderful times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and He will send Jesus your messiah to you again. What a wonderful time of refreshment in the presence of the Lord I had yesterday listening to the new Marty Goetz CD after your encouraging words! Thanks a bunch!