Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dry Spells

Recently a friend asked me (in an indirect way) if I ever experienced dry spells in my writing. Absolutely! There have been periods when I had no clue what to write next. I would stare at a blank piece of paper (or at the sheen of the computer screen), and it would stare right back at me. Ideas that were once abundant dried up like a desert arroyo in the summertime. I was left parched, wondering how to get a refreshing drink of inspiration.

I think it would have been more frustrating if I didn't know I was called to write. My efforts and energies would have felt wasted. I can find motivation now because I know this is God's plan for me. I just need to keep praying, keep moving, keep working. Eventually the dry spell will end, and the ideas will start flowing again.

One thing that has helped is journaling. I keep a medium sized notepad near my bed, and just before it's time to turn out the light and catch some Z's, I will enter my thoughts about how the day went, etc. I have even written prayers to the Lord about how I'm feeling at that particular moment. Then when I'm done, I open my Bible and read a few passages. Sometimes God has chosen to make a particular Scripture jump out and minister to me at that moment. Other times He has given me verses to be shared with other people. And sometimes nothing special happens and I just enjoy reading God's Word.

The great thing about this kind of journaling is that my focus turns to God. Even if my day went sour, I have Him to comfort me. I have found that when I take my eyes off the problems or concerns or doubts, He fills me with hope and eventually inspiration.

Isaiah 58:11 says it best:
The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

Are you looking for the end of your dry spell? Turn to the Lord for refreshment!

1 comment:

Nancy I. Sanders said...

Thanks for such a drink of fresh water today, Catherine!
PS It was fun to see your comments on Rachelle's blog, too!