Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Being Crowned

It seems as if I made January my "Let's take care of all my medical and dental appointments" month. I had my physical a week and a half ago, I just had some dental work done, and my mammogram is tomorrow. My mindset hadn't been on taking care of my health issues the first month of the year; it just worked out that way.

But I'm actually glad I'm doing all this now as the new year begins. I had put off my physical for 2 years (I honestly didn't realize it had been that long), and my dental appointment consisted of fitting me for a crown which I had postponed a few months because of insurance billing.

This was my first crown. I had been feeling a little sensitivity in my upper molar, and the dentist knew it was from a slight fracture that my tooth had developed over time. It needed to be covered so the molar could be protected from any further decay.

What a process! Impressions, shots, drilling, shaping, more impressions, and then the reshaping of the temporary crown. Surprisingly it only took about 30 minutes from start to finish. I get my permanent crown in 2 weeks.

I like the fact that a crown fits tightly over my tooth like a glove, providing that all important protective layer. It reminds me of the Holy Spirit that indwells believers and covers us with the holiness of God. Alone I am weak and vulnerable like my teeth. But with Jesus I can be strong and bold because He is in my heart.

Are you covered by Jesus? It is never too late to ask Him into your heart. His coverage is free and lasts beyond this lifetime.

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