Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Heavenly Declaration

With all the recent rains we've been having here in California, my family and I have witnessed a few rainbows. They haven't been the puny half rainbows we often see. These have been the full bow, reaching from one point and arching colorfully to another. What a beautiful sight against the dark storm clouds. What a wonderful sign of God's love.

The news often talks about Mother Nature and how it attributes anything about the weather to that pagan legend. When we saw the latest beautiful rainbow, my husband mentioned that the news will probably again refer to it as a gift from Mother Nature. The world will do all it can to recognize a mother because they can't stand to bear witness to the true Father of Heaven and Earth.

Every aspect of nature declares God's glory: the delicate patterns on a leaf; the intricate designs of a spider web; the numerous stars in the sky; the homing instinct of bees. The list goes on and on. There are too many uniquenesses in nature to make them accidents that came out of some primordial ooze.

Romans 19:20a says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen.." The hand stamp of the Creator of the Universe is very apparent to those willing to look. Are your eyes open to the wonders of God?

1 comment:

Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

I enjoyed the rainbow also. I find it difficult to understand how people cannot see God in all of creation. Thanks for reminding us!