Thursday, January 10, 2008


Are you suffering from UFP's? Have you ever felt restlessness mixed with that gnawing feeling that there is something you are supposed to do? Then you have experienced UFP's.

UFP stands for UnFulfilled Potential. It is a phrase that my friend and I coined several years ago. I first discovered that I had UFP when my friend asked me, "If you could do anything with your life, what would it be?" I had a really tough time answering, mainly because I had put aside any dreams or aspirations to raise my family. In a sense I had stopped developing my potential. This started me really praying to see what it was that God wanted me to do.

I was still supposed to be a loving and supporting wife and mother, but God did not want me to crawl into a hole and lose myself. He had given me gifts to use, and although I was using some of them at that time as a homeschooling mom, I knew in my heart that there was something else that was not getting accomplished.

I turned my UFP into a FP (Fulfilled Potential) after seeking the Lord through prayer and Bible reading over a period of time. I started thinking about the talents He had given me, and I began to see a pattern in those skills. When my friend shared that she wanted to write children's books, I thought about how easy writing was for me and how family members would often call on me to help write letters. I never considered writing as a career. It was just something I was good at. Over time I knew that I had found my FP.

Each one of us has been designed by God. We have been handcrafted with individual personalities and specific skills. We are as unique as our fingerprints. But unless we seek to discover how we are to use this uniqueness, we will always feel unfulfilled. Start seeking the Lord's will for you. In time you will turn your UFP's into FP's.

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