Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Days Gone By

Time is flying by. It feels like the kids got out of school just yesterday, yet, glancing at the calendar, it’s almost the middle of August! There are only a few weeks of summer left.

I can remember loving summer when I was a kid and not wanting it ever to end. I didn’t care for the chores I had to do, but I did love the freedom to do all sorts of things after my chores were done: read; watch TV; ride bikes; play with my sisters; or visit the neighbors—anything but do homework.

It’s sad that the kids of this generation don’t have the same imagination as my generation did growing up. Nowadays kids would rather sit and play video or computer games the whole summer than read a good book or create their own adventure. My boys in particular don’t enjoy reading. I couldn’t imagine getting through the summer without reading a dozen or more books.

I cannot get back those days of fun in the sun. But I can try to encourage my children to enjoy their youth while they still have time. One day they, too, will realize that life is fleeting. Hopefully they’ll be able to look back at their summers with fond memories.

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