Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to Business

School starts next week for the kids. We’ve done all our clothes shopping. The school supplies have been bought and, in my daughters’ cases, packed inside their backpacks. They are ready for the beginning of a new school year. But am I?

Since the kids have been home for the summer, I’ve had to work my writing schedule around swimming lessons, field trips, and errands with the kids. I’ve settled into an easier writing routine, taking full advantage of my laptop since the kids have gravitated to my other computer.

Now with them returning to a full day of school, I have to retrain myself into an actual sit-down-in-the-morning-and-work-diligently-because-I-only-have-a-few-hours-before-I-have-to-pick-them-up schedule. I hope the transition doesn’t take long.

Getting back into a routine takes work and dedication. You have to toss aside new habits and reinstate old ones. I know it will be tough at first, but settling into a normal writing schedule will be the best thing for me. Time to dust off the productivity I put aside back in June and get to work!

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