Thursday, July 24, 2008


Last week at the beach I forgot to put sunscreen on my back. I had been so busy trying to get the kids smothered with the stuff that I only remembered to do my arms and legs. It wasn't until I got home and went to take a shower that I noticed the area around my shoulder blades was intensely red.

I had a doctor's appointment the next day to remove a spot on my back. Because of my burn (which caused the doctor to give me a lecture on the benefits of sunscreen and the differences between UV-A and UV-B), the spot could not be removed. The area was too inflamed for the procedure, so I had to settle for a punch biopsy. I don't know what hurt me the worst for the next few days: the soreness from poking a hole in my skin, or the ache from my burnt flesh.

The coloring on my back is still a bit off. It has not yet settled into a tan. But I am peeling, and there is no more pain.

Much of my discomfort could have been avoided. If I had remembered to cover myself with the sunscreen, I would have been in much better shape. I would not have had any sunburn, and the spot on my back would be gone. Now I have to wait for the results of the biopsy to see if I have to go back and get the spot completely removed.

Reading our Bible is like putting on sunscreen. The wisdom and knowledge we gather from God's word is like a spiritual coating that protects and strengthens us through the power of the Holy Spirit. His word gives us discernment that keeps us from getting severely burnt from the lies of this fallen world.

Next time I go to the beach I will make sure I cover myself with sunscreen. Will you spiritually protect yourself by covering up with God's word?

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