Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cheap Imitations

Children are not often patient for something they want. In my case, my daughter has been asking for a pedicure, but our schedule has been too full to allow that to happen. The other day was no exception.

Our morning had been busy with Vacation Bible School. When we came home, I settled into working on my deadline for a craft project that was due at the end of the week. She thought it was the perfect time for a pedicure. I, in the midst of cutting Velcro strips and used greeting cards, thought otherwise. She hung around for awhile, playing with my scrap materials while watching my progress. Then she disappeared into the other room.

Less than half an hour later she came striding in, showing off her new creation. She had taken the thin leftover Velcro pieces and placed them on the top of her toes. In the dim light of the room her feet looked as if she had a French pedicure.

I had to smile at her creativity. A person can be pretty innovative when there is a need or a want. But in this case, it was a cheap imitation. No matter how cute her toes looked with the Velcro on, it still wasn’t a true pedicure.

People often make cheap imitations of God. They mold Him and shape Him into their image of fairness and freedoms. They think His rules are too strict, never considering that, like a good and loving parent, He wants us to be safe, healthy and well in mind, soul, and body. But like any cheap imitation, a false god will not last and has no power to help us.

Stop looking for poor substitutes. Seek after the true God of the Universe. He is exactly what you are looking for and He is everything that you need!

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