Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Speeding Ticket

I was driving along a strip of road in the industrial area of the city, my destination long forgotten now. I’m sure I had been listening to the radio. It was a total surprise to hear the short warning siren and then see the flashing lights from the police motorcycle in my rear view mirror. I had been speeding, and I hadn’t even realized it.

The traffic was non-existent on the street that afternoon since it was a weekend. I believe I had only exceeded the limit by five miles. I don’t remember having seen a posted sign, but that didn’t matter. I was guilty because I had broken the law, and my actions caused me to get my very first moving violation. An all day traffic school session allowed me to remove that offense from my driving record; otherwise I would have had to pay a steep fine.

God wrote His natural laws on our hearts. Whether we are conscious of having broken these laws or not, we are still accountable for our actions. We are responsible for sins of commission as well as sins of omission. We are guilty and there is a hefty price to pay, our eternal future.

Thankfully the price of our sins has been paid in full. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our transgressions are wiped off ours record. His death on the cross gave us a new life. The door to heaven is now open, not because of anything we did, but because of what Jesus did for us. We no longer have the condemnation of our actions hanging over our heads.

Does this mean we’re free to go on sinning because God’s sacrifice and grace will keep covering our sins? No. We are called to be Holy because God is Holy. We are to daily deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus.

Sin should become as distasteful as a first speeding ticket, something you don’t ever want to repeat again.

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