Friday, July 25, 2008


I received a phone call this morning from my husband. Although already an hour into his work day, he hadn't been able to start his project. Yes, he was on the job site; but when he had driven up, attempting to park in a sandy spot, he got stuck. And he was stuck good.

He had spent a very frustrating hour trying to figure out what to do. He even prayed, wondering what he was supposed to learn from his morning trial. Eventually he was able to ask the contractor on the site for some help, and a forklift was driven over to literally scoop him up. A very upsetting hour was fixed in less than five minutes. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be any damage to the car, either.

Life can bring situations that are totally unexpected. Our normal routine suddenly becomes unstable, leaving us stuck and desiring something solid under our feet. Circumstances we didn't anticipate can leave us feeling helpless and frustrated.

It's nice to know that in all our situations, God is with us. We may not see Him. We obviously don't know how things will be resolved. But nothing surprises the Lord. He is in the midst, working out all things for His good and His glory for those who call upon His name.

One day you, too, will find yourself stuck in something beyond your control and comprehension. Remember, you are not alone. God is with you. He is the solid rock you can also stand on.

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