Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Sign of the Times

The other day while I was driving, I noticed the car in front of me had something etched on the rear window. As we pulled up to a stop sign, I was able to read the words: "Get Rich or Die Trying."

I couldn't help but chuckle when I read it. That saying seems to be the chief motivator for many. They think that getting rich is the answer to life's problems. Looking at the tragic lives of many young movie stars going in and out of rehab centers confirms that life is more than money. Money cannot fill the emptiness in our hearts and souls. Money will never make us truly happy.

True happiness can only come from the source of happiness, and that is from God. He created us. He placed in our hearts the desire to know Him and to glorify Him. We will only be happy when we've committed ourselves to Him and live for Him as our Lord and Savior.

Looking to get rich? You will only find true wealth when you invest yourself in Jesus.

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