Thursday, May 8, 2008

Unexpected Blessings

There are many unexpected blessings in life, but one that we don't think about as unexpected are our friends. If we believe God is sovereign and all knowing, then we have to believe that everything that happens in our life is not by accident. He brought our friends to us, even before we knew they would be our friends.

I smile as I look back and see the now obvious orchestrations of our meetings: at school, at work, through the introduction of another friend, in a store, through a group, at church. All of these friendships were totally unexpected. When I first met many of them, I had no idea we would end up friends.

Some friendships clicked right away. Others took time to develop. Each one so different. Each one offering something unique. But all have been tremendous blessings. I am thankful that God handpicked these people just for me.

Have you thanked God for the friends in your life? Take the time to thank Him for your unexpected blessings.

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