Thursday, May 22, 2008

Being a Pioneer

Are you a pioneer? Are you one of those eager to step away from your comfort zone to explore beyond your realm? I am a pioneer to some degree. It must come from my ancestors who left Spain in the late 1600’s or early 1700’s to come the New World that would one day be called America. I think if I had an opportunity when I was younger to do something adventurous as that I might have signed up to go. But as I get older I tend to keep my pioneering limited to explorations via the internet.

I have always loved researching, so I think it’s amazing to have a wonderful research tool at my fingertips that’s accessible 24/7. With my computer I can explore countries I may never get to travel to, study archival books I may never be able to hold in my own hands, and find out tidbits of information about people I may never be able to meet. Family members and friends call me to dig up facts about all sorts of things because I know how to use the system effectively.

Am I a master at internet searches? Far from it; but I’m willing to learn. That’s half the battle when you are confronted with something new. Some people are not willing to learn beyond what they already know. They don’t want to be budged from their comfort zone because they are afraid life will change if they do. Sometimes, though, change is good, especially if it will help you grow.

God instills in us an inquisitive nature when it comes to knowing about Him and His plans for us. There are those who are eager to learn more about God and to find treasures that abound within the pages of His Word. Yet there are others who were raised a certain way with certain ideals and traditions that do not want to find out what else God has in store for them. They feel safe the way they are, not realizing they are missing out on the abundant blessings God has designed especially for them.

Be a pioneer of God’s Word. Explore its pages to learn more about the Omniscient and All-powerful God who orchestrated it. You might be surprised by all the amazing things God wants to show you.

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