Monday, May 5, 2008

A New Tool

My new laptop arrived over the weekend. Well, it's not exactly new since it was a refurbished one from the factory; but it's new to me! I have been wanting one (and waiting patiently, I might add) for the longest time, and finally my husband gave me the go ahead.

I spent the better part of Saturday night reading through the manual and figuring out how everything works. Although I'm not an expert on it yet, I am becoming more comfortable with the touchpad instead of working with a mouse.

There is only one problem at the moment. I wanted a laptop primarily to work on stories when the kids are using my computer or I'm away from home. However, the software that came with the computer is not compatible with Microsoft Word, so I need to invest a little more money in order to get the right program I need.

Waiting is part of life. I had to wait to get this new tool, but now I have to wait a bit more to use it effectively. But that's okay. I am still blessed by my husband's thoughtfulness.

When God has us wait, there is always a purpose behind it. His delays are good and timely. He is never late. So if you find yourself waiting for something that He has promised, don't worry. God will deliver His goodness right when you need it!

1 comment:

Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, congrats on the new laptop! Mac, right? I hope you are able to get the needed software soon. I wonder what great stories you produce with it.
