Friday, April 25, 2008

Blame Game

I was waiting in line at Wal-mart the other day. The lady in front of me had a plastic serving platter that didn't have its UPC code, so the cashier was trying to get a price check. The lady was very impatient, commenting that she should have gone to the party store instead. She was obviously in a hurry and couldn't believe it was taking so long. At one point she said, "Jesus!" in her frustration.

The cashier had a great response. She said, "Don't blame Jesus. He didn't cause this. He only saved us!" Bravo for the cashier!! I have never heard anyone give such a terrific and spontaneous answer.

Many people play the blame game. They throw out Jesus' name like He's someone common and not Holy. They blame Him for life's craziness and circumstances instead of seeing that God had nothing to do with their problem. He can be their solution if they'd only let Him.

But why use the name Jesus? Why not Buddha or Mother Nature or any of the other false gods of the world? Why does it always have to be Jesus? Because the devil is crafty. He wants to make unholy what is Holy. He wants to undermine God so people won't believe the truth.

Don't play the blame game. Instead, ask God to show you the truth. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." God is waiting to reveal Himself directly to you!

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