Friday, June 12, 2009


Summer’s officially here, at least in the minds of my kids. They are done with school for a few months and they are looking forward to sleeping in, lounging around, and doing nothing constructive. Of course, I have other plans. I’ll have them re-organize their rooms, help with household chores, and I want them to read a book every day for at least 30 minutes. I also want to go on a few field trips to visit some of the local historical areas.

Yes, it’s their summer, but it’s mine, too. And there is nothing wrong with chores to help contribute to the household and with participating in projects that will keep the mind sharp. As for me, I intend to finish a few writing projects, including a middle grade mystery novel and a teacher’s guide for my picture book that’s due out next year.

It’s funny…when I was a kid, summer seemed to last forever. Now that I’m an adult, I know the days will fly by. That’s why I want to make the most of my time, making sure I sit down each day to work. Maybe I should set an official daily time slot: for the kids to read, and for me to work. That way we can all get something accomplished.

In the meantime, I think I’ll make some suntea.

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