Monday, June 15, 2009

Always Be Prepared

When I was growing up, my sister and I joined our local Brownie troop. We did some fun things, but overall it wasn't very exciting. I didn't want to sit around and make mats or tie-die shirts all day. I wanted fun adventures like the Boy Scouts had: hiking, camping, fishing, kayaking, etc. They had everything the tomboy in me wanted to try, but unfortunately I wasn't able to join. But I did like their motto: Always Be Prepared.

It's hard to be prepared for what may lie around the corner since we don't know what the future will bring. But God knows, and He did prepare us for certain events that will be coming true in good time: one being the return of Christ for His Church.

Jesus told us that He is coming again and that He was going away to prepare a place for us (see John 14:2). He also said that we would know the time and the seasons of His return even though we would not know the day or the hour (see Matthew 24). Don't you think with all the craziness of this world, the devaluing of faith, and the lawlessness that seems to be increasing, that Jesus' return is imminent? Don't you think, then, that we should be prepared in case He decides to come back, whether it's today, next week, next month, or next year?

What is happening in your life that may be displeasing to God? Confess it to Him and then stay away from that particular temptation. What is He calling you to do that you have so far hesitated to follow through on? Stop stalling and take care of His business. Our time is short here on earth if you look at time through the light of eternity. We need to get ourselves right with God now, because we don't know what tomorrow will bring. We need to "Always Be Prepared."

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