Friday, June 26, 2009

An Amazing God

We live in a vast universe that's over 93 billion light years wide. We are but a speck in this gigantic array of stars, suns, and galaxies. To some this would seem to indicate insignificance, but to me it indicates that we have One Awesome and Amazing God.

If we were insignificant then God would have nothing to do with us. Yet He is ever involved in our lives. He knows our needs, wants, and desires. Because of His great love for us, He reached down from the heavens and became a man, Jesus, so that we could have fellowship with Him. Through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, we can live eternally with Him in Heaven.

When you look up into the sky and see the stars, remember you have a God who loves you and cares for you. He is not distant like some far off galaxy. He's in our hearts and in our lives if we let Him.

Why don't you call on our amazing God and ask Him into your heart?

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