Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Giving Him the Glory

God is so awesome. Despite the craziness of fighting my cold and trying to work out the promotional aspects of my new book contract, God has been opening up some great doors for me. I can't go into all the details since legal stuff prohibits me at the moment. I hope to share in a much later blog this journey from the acceptance of my manuscript to its publication. Don't worry. I'm taking mental notes.

My friends are a blessing from God. At church over the weekend I ran into a few of them. They were so eager to give me hugs, and that was before I told them about my contract! I know I have a few prayer warriors there who are ready and willing to lift me up to the Lord. Then there are the extra special friends who are willing to give of their time and energy to help, and to share Scripture and encouragements just at the right moment.

I musn't forget to thank the Lord for His blessings. He doesn't need my thanks, but by acknowledging Him, I am giving Him glory. It brings to mind the lesson found in Luke 17:11-19. Jesus was heading towards Jerusalem and came across ten lepers who asked for healing. After Jesus told them to go see the priests, the men were healed. But only one of them returned to thank Jesus and to loudly give glory to God, and that man was a foreigner. What happened to the other nine who had been giving the same blessings? The Bible doesn't say.

We take so much for granted because we have been tremendously blessed in this country. Don't be like the other nine men who were healed and failed to express their gratitude. Take the time to thank God for what He has done for you and to give Him the glory He so deserves.

1 comment:

Nancy I. Sanders said...

Good morning Catherine! Your wonderful devotion reminded me to thank God for friends like YOU! -Nancy