Thursday, March 27, 2008

Abundant Evidence

Since this was Easter vacation for my kids, we decided to take a field trip down to Santee (near San Diego, California) to visit the Institute for Creation Research Museum. The drive was long, but the day was beautiful, making for a pleasant excursion.

Although small, the museum was packed with an enormous amount of information that supported Creationism. It was laid out in a series of rooms that basically unfolded time from the first day of creation to the present century. I would have loved to linger through the rooms reading and observing all the carefully created displays, but with six children ranging from ages seven to 14 (I had my niece and nephew along), the attention spans varied. I had to be satisfied with scanning most of the information. It's a good thing I'm a fast reader.

I particularly liked the abundant amount of evidence to support the idea that we were created beings. We were not accidentally formed by a supercharge of electricity that pulsated through some over-proteinized ooze. There is design and detail in this world. Everything has purpose and reason.

It takes more faith to believe that we were once slime and now have rational thought; that we evolved from monkeys and are now swinging down the halls of commerce and productivity instead of swinging from tree to tree. I'd rather believe in a God who loves me and has a special plan for me than believe I have no value because I was formed from a pool of goop. The evidence for a Divine Creator is all around us. It is available to anyone willing to examine the data with an honest evaluation.

I'm glad I matter to God. Try to remember that you matter to Him, too!


Anonymous said...

I have been to ICR many times and it is a great place to learn and get educated on truth. ICR helped shape my worldview and I am thankful for there stand on science and unwavering defense of the scriptures. ICR is vital in this day we live in. Henry Morris was also the most humble man I have ever met, and his New Defenders Study bible's is one of the best out there.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you had such a great time seeing "evidence" of our Creator God! Hope you enjoy the rest of your Easter vacation.