Monday, March 3, 2008

Construction Zones

There are way too many construction zones going on in my town. Some roads are being closed, others redirected. School pick-ups zones are changing. Traffic is increasing and so is the impatience. It's all a big mess.

I can't avoid these construction areas because several of them happen to be near my children's schools. There will even be a two week period when the entire street in front of one school will be closed. I wonder how the administration is going to handle that.

The result of all this confusion and frustration is supposed to be better water mains. I'm also hoping for smooth roads when all the digging has been covered up and repaved. Only time will tell if the outcome was worth the mess.

Our lives are always under construction. As fallible human beings we are in desperate need of repair. Bad tempers, impatience, stubborness, and greed are just a few of the vices we need to reconstruct. We can try to be our own do-it-yourselfers, but we don't have the blueprints of our lives. There will always be something that wasn't done to spec or we failed to fix properly.

Only God can be our true Construction Supervisor. He knows exactly what needs to be dug up and replaced. He knows the parts that need fixing. All we have to do is trust Him with the work, even if it takes time and brings some inconvenience.

What is it in your life that could use a little fixing? Let God be the Chief Contractor of your Construction Zone.


Nancy I. Sanders said...

Ahh Catherine! What a great reminder to ask God to "fix" the flaws. I loved your example of water mains, too. It's a great comparison for us to draw from the water of life today!

Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

I guess there will be things God needs to fix as long as we're here on earth. I hope I'm willing to let him do his work.

I'm looking forward to heaven when I'll be a finished product!!!

Catherine L. Osornio said...

Amen to that, Gloria! And we won't have any unsightly stretch marks either!