Monday, October 26, 2009

Tickled Ears

Do you go to church to get your ears tickled? There are lots of people who attend Sunday services for two reasons: because it's a habit and because they want to get their ears tickled. They don't go to improve their character. They go to hear a cutesy feel-good message. Or, if the message makes them slightly uncomfortable, they don't put the admonitions to practice or they find another church.

But should we be going to church to be entertained? No. And for those who like their ears tickled, can you honestly say you have a personal relationship with God? Is He your Lord and Savior? If He is not, then perhaps you need to re-evaluate your reason for going to church. Don't be a hypocrite if you aren't truly there to learn about Him. Just stay home.

That may sound harsh, but the reasons to go to church are to fellowship with other believers and to study God's Word. We are to hear and learn about the full counsel of God. We are to see how much He loves us, but we are also supposed to see how our sins separate us from having true fellowship with Him. We are to surrender our lives to our God and Savior so that He can work in and through us.

Tickled ears are fine once in awhile, but we don't grow that way. Try to find a church that will teach you who God really is, so that you may fulfill His purposes in your life.

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