Friday, October 23, 2009

The Great I Am

What is it that you need? I mean really need? Do you need a sympathetic ear? Do you need someone to give you comfort and strength? Do you need someone to love you unconditionally? Do you need someone who sees potential in you despite your failures? Then you need the Great I Am. Fill in the blank and He can deliver...what you need.

Of course, I'm talking about God Himself. He can meet all your needs. He hears you. He can give you peace. He pours out His love for you in ways beyond human understanding. He can take away your fears. He looks at you and sees the hope of something yet to be. And, most importantly, He forgives you and grants you mercy.

The Bible is full of the evidence of who He is. We can learn more about His character if we read it. You will see how much He desires to love you. You will see how He can supply all your needs.

Call out to the Great I Am. Ask Him to enter your life. He can provide far beyond what you can imagine.

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