Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy Weather

We've been having some crazy weather lately. First we had some rain with a high of 65 degrees. Then, two day later, we had temps reaching 98 degrees. I know Southern California weather can be unpredictable, but this is far beyond the norm. You would think I'd get used to this by now, having lived here all my life. But just like this week, I get my share of surprises.

The trouble with crazy weather is that our bodies don't have a chance to adapt to the extremes. This leaves us susceptible to sore throats and colds. I've been fighting a sore throat for weeks, particularly in the evenings and mornings.

Unpredictable weather reminds me of the unpredictability of life. We never know what the next day will bring. Some days we'll get typical days with little or no problems. Another day may bring a series of trials. We can get our share of extreme conditions that can lead us feeling weary and hopeless.

But thankfully we have a God who has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). He will be our shield (Psalm 22:20), and a very present help in our troubles (Psalm 46:1). Romans 8:31 reminds us, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" With all this backup, we should have no problem facing difficult days because we have the support and hope of our God.

Is crazy weather or a crazy life getting you down? Ask God to be your protector and comforter amidst your trials.

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