Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The delete button can be a blessing or a curse. It can be good to rid your computer of some unwanted text or files. It can be bad when you hit the button accidentally, erasing something that took you hours to write.

Don't you wish that we had a delete button for the mistakes we've made in our lives? It would be nice if everyone could just forget that little incident that caused us embarrassment or that silly prank that turned into a fiasco.

Thankfully, God has a delete button when it comes to our sins. If we repent, the Bible says the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us. It also says that He will remember our sins no more. That means He won't count against us the sins of the past. Of course, we do have to take responsibility for our deeds and pay the consequences that resulted from our actions. But at least those past faux pas won't keep us from entering heaven.

Do you need God to delete your sins? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and He can get rid of those bad files in your life.

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