Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I find it amazing how a sculptor can take a block of marble and create a masterpiece with only his chisel, mallet, and lots of imagination. In the artist's trained eye he already sees the form and nuances of his creation before he even picks up his tools.

We are like that marble block when we become believers. To the untrained eye we are just a plain piece of stone; but our Master Sculptor, the Lord Almighty, sees wonderful potentials that can only be revealed by force and sharp edges. Bit by bit He removes the outer layers of pride, selfishness, greed, laziness, and other ills. The procedure takes time and causes pain. Often tears are shed. But after much effort the hints of a marvelous work of art begin to appear.

We need to be chiseled by the Lord. His cuts and chips are exact, trimming off precisely what needs to be removed at the proper time. We won't see the full benefits in this lifetime, but the changes are often stunning since it is so different from where we began. Chiseling hurts, but as long as the Lord is doing the work, I know I will come out okay.

Is God trimming off your rough edges? Are His loving cuts causing a few tears in your life? Don't fret. The process won't last forever, but the results will be amazing.

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