Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learning Lessons from Lecturing

As a parent I'm constantly answering questions for my children about a whole plethora of subjects. Sometimes my responses come in discourses and lectures because of the nature of the topic.

The other day we were talking about Job and how Satan had to ask God's permission in order to even touch Job. After a bit of discussion, I went on to say, "Isn't it nice knowing that as Christians, nothing can come into our lives without God allowing it for whatever reason?"

Then it hit me. This applied to even the smallest concerns we have. For me this meant that a particular issue I had been struggling with, even though minute compared to other incidents in life, was allowed for a reason. Instead of fighting against it, I had to acknowledge that God put it into my life for His purposes, and that I was to trust Him completely for the outcome.

I will continue answering my children's questions, but it's nice to know that even parents can learn lessons while lecturing.

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