Friday, July 3, 2009


Our church is having its Vacation Bible School (VBS) this week. It's been a very fun event for young and old alike. I like watching the younger kids, the 1st through 3rd graders, who so eagerly jump into worship and who are attentive to the things of God. Unfortunately, some of the older kids have shown some impatience. They seem to be there on a social outing instead of a learning experience; and a few have been disrespectful in their attitudes when a pastor was giving his message.

Some of these kids come from Christian homes; others were brought because a neighbor or friend invited them. Many have had no Christian upbringing at all. But VBS is a wonderful place for children to learn that God loves them individually and that Jesus died so they could go to heaven. I've heard from adults at our church who grew up with VBS as their only outreach to know Jesus, and that visit forever impacted on their lives.

Does your church have a VBS? Are you helping out with time or money so that more kids can experience God's true love? Why not bless the young so they can know Jesus in their hearts!

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