Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Faithful Reminder

I was reading from the Book of Acts yesterday for my morning devotions. I was at the part where the disciple Stephen had been brought before the Council and was giving a brief history of the Jewish patriarchs. When he came to the part about Joseph, who had been sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt, he said, "'But God was with him and delivered him out of all his troubles..." (Acts 7:9b-10a).

What a wonderful reminder of God's faithfulness! Joseph suffered for many years. His trials were heavy for a young man so far from home. Yet he had hope in God, and that trust was eventually rewarded with being made second in command of all of Egypt.

Are you struggling with heavy trials in your life? Do you think your problems will never end? Turn to God. Trust in Him. He will carry you through until He showers you with His blessings.

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