Monday, July 13, 2009

No Procrastination Here

Family vacation's over. It's time for me to get back to work. I have several projects that I need to consistently work on, including preparing for the release of my new picture book with Pelican Publishing, The Declaration of Independence from A to Z, which will be out sometime after January of next year. Procrastination is not an option.

It won't be easy since my kids are still out of school for another month. I need to keep at it, though; a little here, a little there. I want something to show for my efforts in the weeks and months ahead.

Too many times we procrastinate on reading God's Word. We know that in order to know God better, we need to be reading His book. But we keep putting it off because life just gets too busy.

We need to stop the delay and make time each and every day to read the Bible, even if it's just a chapter or two. Try it for two weeks and see what happens. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you don't procrastinate. You'll even be blessed with what God has to personally say to you!

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