Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Splash

The pool is a great place to beat the heat on those hot summer days. When I was growing up, we enjoyed going down to the local park, paying our quarter or 50 cents admission, renting a mesh bag for our towel and sandals, pinning the matching number for the bag onto our swim suit, and plunging into the super crowded pool. You couldn't swim laps, and it was hard to jump off the diving board because of all those people, but we sure had a great time.

We don't have that big Olympic-size pool in the neighborhood I live in now. In fact our local pool is a very small one. There are no mesh bags to rent to put the towels in, and the cost is now $1 for the free swim time. Because we don't have our own pool, we have the kids take swimming lessons each summer. Last year and this we enrolled them into semi-private lessons so they could benefit from the 2 to 1 student-teacher ratio, which has made a huge difference in their ability to swim.

It's nice to see the progress they have made in just 5 days. At the first lesson they were all a bit shaky, but as the days have progressed, they have worked hard to apply what they've been taught. They're more confident and eager to expand their learning curve.

We need to be just as diligent in our study of God's Word. When we were new believers, we were off to a shaky start. Our knowledge of the Bible was limited in one way or another, and we didn't know how to fully appreciate all that lay within its pages. But as we took the time to read and study, the message of His Holy Word started making sense and began to permeate our souls.

The kids have one more week of lessons. We hope to re-enroll them again so they can gain confidence in their abilities. As we continue to read and invest our time in the Bible, we, too, will feel more comfortable with who God is and His plan for our lives. Why don't you take the time to splash into God's Word this summer?

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