Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Blessings and Cursings of Modern Technology

I enjoy modern technology. It’s great to be able to type directly into a word processing software and edit without fiddling with antiquated typewriter ribbons that leave smudges or holes in your page. I like telling my printer from the other room that I want to print out the latest article I’m working on. And, at the touch of a button I can access a world of information.

Of course, with the advancement of technology, there are always risks: of hitting the delete button instead of save; of losing your files because of a crash in the hard drive; or of someone taking your personal data and using it for their selfish gain.

I was recently subjected to the latter. Somehow someone got access to my debit card and used it for a small online purchase. Because of the circumstances of the charge, I suspect someone from within a large online company I deal with may be to blame. If I hadn’t been checking my bank account for something else that day, I would not have noticed the charge until a month later when my statement would have arrived in the mail.

First I checked with the company the charge seemed to be from. They had no record against my account for that transaction. I immediately notified my bank, but because the charge was in the “pending” section and not an actual debit yet, I couldn’t do anything but wait for the amount to hit my account. Until then, I closed that debit card and had a new one reissued. My fast action may have saved me from many other charges that could have been made to my account.

In our world of modern technology, it pays to be diligent. The added convenience has brought added problems. But if we keep our eyes open, we can limit the amount of troubles, and still enjoy the blessings.

1 comment:

Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, like you, I love technology (although I don't know much). I guess we'll always have to deal with people who take good and twist it to evil. But...someday!
