Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Disappointing Developments

What do you do with disappointments? Do you try to pull a lesson out of the situation so you can move forward, or do you brood about the incident for a long time? Disappointments are tough, and if they are recurring, even the most optimistic person finds it hard to be hopeful. The best way to handle these situations is to give them to God, constantly.

When we get a paper cut, the injured area stings for quite awhile. We may put on antibiotic cream and a band-aid, but hitting the injury, or even getting it wet, causes pain. So it is with disappointments. There is pain, but as we daily give them to the Lord, He touches us with the healing salve of His love that soothes our minds and hearts.

Dealing with disappointments is not easy, but we don’t have to handle the ache alone. Turn the hurt over to the Lord, and let Him bring you comfort.

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